Holiday Food

Holistic Habits for a Healthy Holiday Season

As we kick off a new month and the last one of the year, it’s a great time to reflect on how we are feeling in the present moment, intentions we have for this month and how we desire the end of the year and holiday season to unfold.  With the holiday season in full swing, we are celebrating togetherness, community, connection, delicious food and holiday cheer.  It’s also during this time that we may feel added stress, anxiety around family and friends, lack a healthier routine and feel more of a toxic load.

It was this time last year that I committed to a program and accountability system with a friend –  using a “wholistic approach.”  It’s something that helped me stay on track, grow, transform and heal but still allowed the ability  to embrace the season and all it has to offer.  It started with simple lifestyle changes and today I am going to share some of them with you.

Living a holistic lifestyle isn’t just about being natural and organic, using clean products and eating healthy food.  Holistic health is a balance between your body, mind, spirit and heart.  In addition, it’s easy to think of emotional, physical and spiritual health as different components.  When in reality, they are deeply connected to one another.  For example, trauma can lead to physical illness and pain.  Depression, anxiety and mood may be linked to biological and gut health.  Physical health can impact your spiritual practice and inner work.

Depending on your upbringing, many of us often heard about food and exercise but little discussion around these other areas.  These examples and more are a huge reason why I love holistic living and share it with my family, friends and clients.  It’s been a huge part of my health and healing journey and it’s something I’m so passionate about sharing.

It is within this balance that you are able to live a fulfilled, healthy life where total wellness is the goal.  To achieve a holistic balance, implementing simple healthy daily routines will help you on your own health and wellness journey.  Start with a few and keep it simple to avoid overwhelm or the desire to quit.

for The Body:

Nourishing Meals- Try to incorporate whole foods in their most natural form as possible.  I recommend an anti-inflammatory plate of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins or protein options, nuts, seeds and fresh herbs.  Whole grains may support you depending on your bio-individuality.  Try to “crowd out” fried, processed foods and sugar.

Recipe: Harvest Apple, Sweet Potato and Brussels Skillet

Supplementation- When referring to holistic health, I choose my supplementation and “farmacy” with prevention as the key!  Especially during the winter months and especially with everything we have been experiencing for the last year and a half.  For me, I stick to immune-boosting supplements like zinc, elderberry, garlic and ginger, vitamin C, turmeric, gut health trebiotic, collagen, digestive support and local raw honey.  To learn more about the supplements I love and use, I welcome you to connect or check them out here: Wellness Supplements

Clean Personal Care Products- Until I started living more of a holistic lifestyle, I had no idea how many chemicals, metals and toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis.  Perfume alone was mind-blowing! Swapping out your current products for cleaner and non-toxic home, beauty, skincare, haircare and cleaning products will help to remove chemicals, sulfates, parabens, testing on animals and dyes.  Home and Personal Wellness Products

Movement- This is an important part of the holistic lifestyle and one that is non-negotiable for me unless I am needing added rest and recovery.  Do whatever brings you joy, childlike play, gets those endorphins going or helps to move the body and stimulate the brain.  I tend to choose slower and more grounding practices like yoga during this season.  If you’re looking for an additional support system, consider a class with a friend or trying something new in your community.

for the Mind:

Journaling- This therapeutic exercise for the mind can be done in as little as five minutes a day.  There are no rules- just take pen to paper and let it flow.  Different methods may include prompts, brain dumps or one of my favorites- a daily gratitude practice.

Practice Breathwork- This past year have left many feeling more anxiety, fight or flight, stress and fear. Breathwork can be extremely beneficial for reducing stress, calming the mind and spirit, healing trauma and bringing the body to a calmer state.  There are a variety of methods for breathwork.  I welcome you to discover what supports you.  To learn more: Breathwork

Soak in a Epsom Salt Bath- Though this helps the body too, there is a huge benefit to mental and emotional health and wellbeing.  I soak in Epsom salt baths for releasing toxins and they help with my pain management.  I also enjoy this form of self-care for its added benefit of rejuvenation, stress-reduction and releasing anxiety.  If you find it hard to quiet your mind before bed, these baths may help.  I choose a chemical free salt and use essential oils that I know are safe and sourced well.

For the Spirit:

Be Mindful- Mindfulness ripples into many areas of life but this is especially true to our spirit and emotional wellbeing.  This can be practiced any time throughout the day and for any duration of time.  I welcome you to try it while walking, eating, playing with your animals or children, interacting with friends or in the workplace.

Meditation- This is a practice that may take some building up to but the benefits are incredible.  Give yourself grace and see how it develops.  I also want to remind you that you don’t need to have a fully calm and cleared head or be in a meditative state.  You may want to try starting with a few minutes of breathing and see how things flow.

Ground in Nature- Being out in nature is so nourishing for the body, mind and spirit.  This is a free exercise and it does not take much time.  This is something I embraced more during the pandemic.  I welcome you to discover what you enjoy.  Maybe walking in the park, gardening, planting flowers or getting your hands and feet in the dirt- so healthy! Soaking up some morning sun is a great way to start the day too.  Mother nature has a wonderful way of nourishing and healing us.

Heart- Love yourself and show love for others! There are so many health benefits by showing love, gratitude and joy for ourselves and creating the ripple. 


Now that we have reviewed some of the above options, let’s look at ways to add them into a morning and evening routine.  These habits are not limited to a specific time of day but you may find that you prefer them at different times.  For example, I always start my morning with tongue scraping, brushing and cleansing my body by drinking room temperature water.  You may prefer to start your day with tea, coffee and some mindfulness or meditation.  Faith is a huge part of my morning but you may choose to start with affirmations or grounding in nature.  I know life is busy during this season but please do not forget to include your nourishing meals.

There are some other habits that may fit in better in the evening.  It may help your mind to detach from technology and journal or meditate.  You may choose to slow down with some breathwork or a hot Epsom salt bath.

I invite you to experiment and create a routine that supports you and your lifestyle.  There is no right or wrong and it’s an invitation for you to learn more about yourself and what supports you.

If you’re feeling like you could use some additional support or accountability, I welcome you to connect.
P.S. if you’re feeling like a post-holiday reset would help support you, i welcome you to check out my january reset here: New Year Nourished You Reset
Wishing you a healthy, happy and holistically abundant holiday season!




Top Tips for Staying Happy and Healthy During the Holidays

Holiday cheer and this time of the year are often filled with celebration, friends, family and togetherness.  It’s also filled with long “to-do” lists, stress, toxicity and unhealthy food. That’s usually the case with a “normal year,” but 2020 has been a little different from “normal.”   We’ve had to pivot a great deal this year and we’re continuing to do so during the holiday season.

Instead of adding additional physical and emotional stress to your plate, try some of these tips for a happier and healthier holiday season.  These tips can carry into the New Year as well.

Give Yourself the Gift of “Balance”

Ladies, this year has given us grace to “do it messy!”  So, gone are the days of perfection and complete balance.  Does that really even exist?

What I’m proposing is a complete mindset shift around how you honor your body and your self-care needs during the holiday season. Queens, this is your time to add even MORE self care and love!  This is a time for giving, so how about you give yourself a gift that’s going to nourish you beyond the 10-minute sugar rush of that wretchedly unhealthy fruit cake your aunt likes to make.

Be mindful and intentional with your food choices

There is nothing wrong with enjoying good food during the holiday season.  I love food and have no guilt or shame when enjoying nourishing foods that I love.  Though things are different this year with parties, work events and gatherings with friends and family, we will still be around holiday food if you’re celebrating the season.  With that being said, this should not be an opportunity to sabotage your goals and health between now and the New Year (or beyond).

If you find yourself grabbing junk food or guzzling down extra alcohol, ask yourself how you’re feeling.  Are you stressed?  Feeling anxious (I’ve been hearing this a lot lately)?  Depressed?  With this year especially, you’re not alone if you are feeling one or more of these feelings.   Emotions play a huge role in our food (and alcohol) choices.  Being in tune with your mindset, feelings and intentions will play a large part in your choices.

If you know you have an upcoming event or family gathering, make sure you eat something healthy and satisfying before you head out.  While at your event, enjoy a little bit of something you’re craving or wanting to try and fill the rest of your plate with lean protein and veggies.  You don’t have to feel deprived this holiday season, but don’t overdo it either.

Stay Active

Exercise is very important during the holiday season.  Have you heard “endorphin’s make you happy?”  It’s true!  Not only is it important to get that booty moving when it’s cold outside (and year round), but it helps with your mood too!  This is a great time to join a gym, start a new fitness class or find some new gal pals for accountability.  During quarantine, I have been walking a lot and it’s been so nice to get out in nature for some fresh air and movement.  Are you more of the “outdoorsy” type?  Grab your skis or ice skates and bundle up for a fun event.  There are many options (indoors and outdoors) this holiday season.  Find what makes you happy and get others involved.  Whatever you choose, keep it moving!

 Find Time for Rest

Yes, exercise and movement  are important but so is rest!  Especially during the busy holiday season and winter months.  Your body needs it and craves it during the winter season!!!  Not only will you feel more refreshed, but it will help with your stress levels and keep you from making poor choices.  If you’re finding it difficult to manage a rest and sleep schedule, you may need to make some changes in your routine.  Sleep should be a priority; especially this time of the year.  Try going to bed and waking up around the same time.  Limit your television and technology viewing a few hours before bed.  Relax in a hot epsom bath with some lavender and other oils.  Grabbing a good book and cup of tea helps in the evening too.  Again, find what works for you and make it a priority.  Rest is not something that should be negotiable any time of year.

 Bump Up the Self Care

If you’re one of my clients or follow me on social media, you know how much I stress Self Care.  After learning the hard way of pouring from an empty cup, I’ve become a Self Care Queen! This is something I had to learn the hard way but it’s something I make a priority in my own lifestyle.  It’s non-negotiable!   Especially during the busy holiday season.  Why?  Because it’s SO important!

Women are the first ones to put themselves last!  If you resonate with this statement, then you may need to ask yourself how much you’re adding self care into your lifestyle.  A hot epsom salt bath, massage, yoga class or new outfit can make a huge difference.  You’re not being selfish!  You’re taking care of you and in turn, will benefit so many around you.  When the holiday season is stressful and you’re feeling run down, bump up the self care.  It’s good for the body and mind!

set boundaries

Talk to your family and friends and explain that you’ll be doing things differently this year.  Share with them that just because it’s the holidays, it doesn’t mean you’re going to settle for nutritionally deprived foods that take more than they give your body.  Explain that you’ll be creating some healthy delicious options and offer to share with them, it is the holidays, after all!

Beware of Toxic People 

The holidays can bring upon stress when it comes to gatherings with friends and family.  We often hear about “tolerating” someone for an event or evening.  You may feel uncomfortable being around a group of friends or family members.  Whatever the case, choose wisely.  Ask yourself if the stress, anxiety and frustration is worth it.  I am not saying to isolate yourself from your family and friends, but choose what makes you happy and feel healthy.  Maintaining distance and setting limitations or boundaries may better serve you.  You should surround yourself with those who light you up and make you happy.

exercise your creativity in the kitchen 

Try new and exciting recipes. Splurge and buy expensive superfoods, interesting fresh fruits and vegetables that you don’t always get, nuts and seeds and truffled extra-virgin olive oil.  I’ve become a huge fan of speciality oils and balsamic vinegars.  I love the incredible flavors and I enjoy cooking more when I use specialty ingredients.  If you’re looking to save money on Superfoods, I recommend Amazon and stores like Home Goods and Marshalls.

Healthy food can be totally gourmet and special too. Make your own homemade chocolate with mint leaves and stevia for sweetness. Adorn your salads with pomegranates and walnuts.  Go out of your comfort zone and see what healthy meals you can whip up with some new ingredients.

If you’re looking for a SWEET and healthier treat, I welcome you to check out my favorite recipe to share with friends and family during the holidays.  Not only is this Bark super easy to make but it’s enjoyed by many!  It stores well, looks adorable in a treat bag and is enjoyed just as much when frozen or refrigerated.  


Dark Chocolate Coconut and Cranberry Bark

I hope you found some value in these tips.  Even though they are all important, incorporating a few of them can make a huge difference in your holiday season.  This time of the year passes so quickly, so I encourage you to make it a magical, happy time.
Your health and happiness should be a huge priority!  You don’t have to wait until the New Year to get started!  

P.S. If you’re feeling like you could use a complete RESET from 2020, I welcome you to check out my New Year Nourished You RESET program launching (prep week) on January 4th.  Let’s kick start 2021 on a healthy note and RISE in the New Year! Link: New Year Nourished You Reset


from my home to yours, happy holidays!!!




Daily Practices for Increased Happiness

It’s the holiday season and a time when we embrace and exude gratitude, thankfulness, happiness and joy.  This may be the case for many but it’s also a time of stress, frustrations, negativity, loneliness and struggle.

I’ve always loved the holidays but especially so as a child.  Do you remember those joyful feelings when you were little?  The excitement and energy!

When I became a police officer, I saw a different side of the holidays.  I saw hardships, unhealthy relationships, struggles and sadness.  It took a strong mindset to keep that feeling of joy and gratitude.  It was through those experiences and my own struggles that I worked on my own health and happiness.  Discovering new joys and blessings.  Gratitude like I’ve never felt before, yet it took work, personal development and growth.

Finding something to be happy about just once a day can be difficult. Finding something to be happy about so that you are a happier person overall can seem almost impossible. If you are finding yourself in this situation, you may be wondering how to get out of it so you have less stress and anxiety as well as increasing your happiness and getting to a better place in your life. Here are some daily practices that can help you be a happier person.  Especially during the holiday season.

Gratitude Journal

One way to become a happier person, through mindfulness and daily practice, is to start a gratitude journal. You do not need a full journal to do this. In fact, you can use your daily planner or online planner for this. You can even use social media. The key point to this daily practice is to find at least one thing a day you are thankful for or have gratitude for. This can be anything. Let’s face it, we all have bad days. It is finding the good in that bad day that helps us become happier. So, it can be anything from having a great cup of coffee that morning to being happy the day is over so you can start fresh the next day. The point is to recognize the happiness or good and note it.

Every morning I start my day with gratitude, growth and goals.  This daily routine has been a game changer for me.  Start your day listing 1, 5 or 10 things that you’re grateful for.  Like I said, it can be the simplest things.  I recommend sticking to this routine daily.  You can choose to list your gratitudes in the morning, at night or both.  Notice the shift in how it makes you feel and be mindful of your thoughts and feelings around it.

Reducing for Charity

Reducing for charity may seem like an odd endeavor as a daily practice, but it is something that can be very fulfilling for both parties. The idea here is to remove something from your life each day or week that you do not need. This can be anything from a toy your child no longer plays with or has outgrown to an extra set of dishes you really don’t need. Place these items in a box and at the end of the week or month and give the box to charity. These items are no longer cluttering your day and causing a storage issue, and you are helping someone else who may want or need them.  The happiness comes in when you find the joy in either getting the items out of your house or seeing that they can bring joy to someone else through your charity.

Breath Walking

Breath walking may be something that is new to you, but it can make you a happier person. The concept here is to go on a walk in nature each day for a few minutes or more. Just get away from everything. Step out into nature with no electronics. Now this doesn’t mean to go out with no way of contacting anyone in an emergency. It simply means to turn off distractions and phones and just walk. Concentrate on your breath as you move and walk and work to calm it. Notice the sounds and nature around you, and let go of the stress of the day through your breathing. You will find yourself healthier and happier at the end of the walk and as the walks progress, you may find yourself more adapted to handling your daily stress as well.


Meditation is a great way to slow down, relax and fill your happiness tank.  There are different forms of meditation, so discover which one works best for you and build on it.  There are guided meditations, quiet time alone, breath work, listening to quiet music while relaxing your mind and just being still.  Many have discovered that clarity, calmness and fulfillment come from meditation.  When we calm the body and mind, amazing things happen.

Be the Reason Someone Smiles

This is something my father taught me as a young girl.  It’s something I’ve carried with me through the years and something I exercise daily.  Be the reason someone smiles today- and everyday!  Whether you open the door for a stranger, say hello to someone walking down the street or engage a joyful conversation with someone in the grocery checkout line.  Engage with others, smile, exude your happiness and joy.  Whatever works for you… discover it and do it some more.

I’ve discovered many ways to encourage others to smile and it not only brightens someone else’s day, but it fills my gratitude, joy and happiness tank.  So, be the reason someone smiles today. ?

As you start adding these daily practices into your life, you will start seeing a change for the better and seeing yourself becoming happier. Remember, start slow and discover what works best for you. It’s all about letting the process develop in your life at your own pace.

From my home to yours, blessing and best wishes for a Healthy and Happy Holiday Season!




Halloween Sugar

Top 10 Health Tips for Kicking Sugar Cravings

Halloween is a fun time to enjoy sweet treats, dressing up, holiday parties and fun with the kiddos.

There is much excitement with all of the decorations, spooky fun and festivals.  Yet, as soon as Halloween comes and goes, we start to hear the words sugar and holidays.  Clients and friends are already feeling the affects of the Halloween fun and they’re already thinking about what’s ahead with the upcoming holiday season.

There are ways to enjoy the holiday season without the guilt, constant crashes, weight gain and delayed resolutions.  Below are some of my top tips that may help you enjoy the holidays without the hard.

Tips for Kicking Sugar Cravings


Consider Your Caffein Intake.  

Caffeine is often consumed during the busy holiday season when many are feeling tired and exhausted.  Though there are some health benefits to coffee, it can also dehydrate the body, increase blood sugar swings and may cause sugar cravings.

Stay Hydrated.

Speaking of hydration… There are times that we are hungry or crave sugar and in fact, we’re dehydrated.  Try to stay hydrated throughout the day and if you feel added cravings coming about, drink some water and wait a few minutes. Not a fan of plain water?  Try infusing it with lemons, limes, berries or cucumbers.

“Crowd Out” Sweet Cravings with Naturally Sweet Fruits and Veggies.

Consuming sweet flavored fruits and veggies can help satisfy the sweet tooth you may be craving.  Here is one of my favorite sweet veggies.  Delicious, healthy and tastes like sweet healthy candy. Healthy Honey Glazed Carrots

Avoid Foods Consisting of Added Sugars, Chemicals and Artificial Sweeteners.

When sweetening dishes, swap out the above items for healthier options such as local raw honey, pure maple syrup, dried fruits (dates are my favorite) and stevia.

Stay Active and Keep Your Booty Moving.

Movement and activity helps to balance blood sugar levels, reduces stress, boosts energy and increases happiness.  When cravings hit, grab a workout with a friend, walk your dog, ride your bike, practice yoga or light stretching.  Switch it up and do more of what you enjoy.

Make Time for Rest and Relaxation.

When the body is exhausted, lacking sleep or stressed, it will crave the quickest form of energy available.  That form is often times sugar. Rest and relaxation is so important for the body and mind.

Consider the Amount of Animal Meat You’re Consuming.

When looking at Traditional Chinese Medicine and yin-yang principles of eating, too much or too little animal food can create imbalances in the body.  Slowing down while eating, being mindful and discovering the foods right for your body can help create balance of your own bio-individuality.

Eliminate Low-Fat and Fat Free Foods.

When our foods shifted towards low fat and fat free, there was a spike in sales of these products.  Many thought these foods would help them lose weight and live healthier lifestyles. In actuality, these foods contain high quantities of sugar to compensate for their lack of flavor and fat.  These foods will take the body on a rollercoaster of ups and downs.

Have Fun with Spices.

Spices and natural sweeteners (above) will naturally sweeten your foods.  Try experimenting with spices such as cinnamon, cloves, coroner and cardamom.  During the fall and winter seasons, your body craves foods and spices that are warming.

Consider Your Primary Foods.

Primary foods are different from the nutrition we have on our plate.  When we slow down and find joy in non-food ways, we discover a sweetness and zest for life.  Cravings are often related to other things going on in our lives.

Consider your current lifestyle and ways that you can make some adjustments to nurture more areas of your life beyond your plate. This is actually quite an empowering process.


When life is sweet, sugar isn’t needed!


Are you already thinking about the sugar crashes, diving into your grandmother’s mashed potatoes, the family pumpkin pie or the variety of cocktails you know will be served at your office party?  I know this is a time where we begin to accept and prepare the exhaustion, stress, bloating, weight gain and more.

You don’t have to relive other holidays like those in the past.  

There is a way to enjoy the tastes and cheer of the holidays while feeling confident and sexy in your holiday dress.

If you’re looking for a program and community that will help you THRIVE NOT SURVIVE through the holidays, I welcome you to join us!

The next Fall Fuel for You program begins Monday, November 11th.  If you have any questions, I welcome you to directly message me here. Contact

Looking for additional tips and recipes this holiday season?  Check out my Healthy Holiday Guide

Cheers to a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season!



Tips to Naturally Boost Your Immune System

The holiday season is a joyous time of the year, but it’s also a time when our bodies are exposed to more stress, less sleep, more caffeine and alcohol, lots of sugar and unhealthy foods.  All of which can wreak havoc on the immune system and especially our gut.  Leaving us more susceptible to illness and not feeling optimal.

The immune system is designed to work against diseases in the body. It has a resistive power that fights bad bacteria and viruses that can cause illness and sickness. The immune system is designed perfectly, but our negligence towards our health often weakens the system. If it is not properly cared for, it becomes so weak that even small illnesses like the flu or a cough can become severe. The immune system also becomes dirty by fighting too much bacteria. Cleaning is required to make it strong again.

There are many ways to clean the immune system and boost its power. Here are some ways to do it naturally.
1.  Turmeric:

Turmeric is a yellowish spice used in many dishes in Asia. It has proven to be beneficial in the treatment and prevention of many diseases. Very high in anti-toxicants, turmeric helps in fighting against free radical damage. Some studies have shown that an active ingredient in turmeric, curcumin, supports the action of B cells, T cells, and natural virus killers in the body. This effect provides support to fight against viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Add turmeric to your meals to keep your immune system powerful and clean.

2.  Vitamin D:

Vitamin D is also known as the sunshine vitamin. It helps to keep the immune system clean. Deficiency of Vitamin D results in a weak immune system and health problems. Vitamin D can be directly accessed from the sunlight but sun exposure has its own risks, so vitamin supplements are preferred. They are easily available and can be taken daily with no side effects. Vitamin D3 is preferred over D2.

3.  Beetroot:

Beetroot is a reddish vegetable with a lot of benefits for the immune system. It helps to restore the body’s PH balance with minerals like iron, calcium, zinc, and magnesium. These minerals have very strong detoxifying properties. The high content of pectin and betaine found in beetroot also works as an anti-toxicant against bacteria.

4.  Colloidal silver:

Colloidal silver has a history of cleaning uses. It has been used as a water purifier and to clean wounds and medical equipment. There is concern that colloidal silver is bad for skin and health because it turns the body bluish-gray. This is due to a substance called argyria. But argyria is actually a result of silver abuse and excess consumption. Colloidal silver is best for the purification of an immune system but should be taken in very small doses. “Silver Fuzion” is most recommended.

5.  A mixture of apple and ginger:

The combination of apple and ginger helps to cleanse the body. One benefit  is that it’s very easy to prepare and store. Combine eight ounces of organic or freshly pressed apple with one teaspoon of ginger. Mix them with a small amount of husk in it or blend it.

6.  Green tea:

Green tea can cleanse your immune system and make your skin fresh. It is tasty and can be made easily. It has many anti-toxicants that help to flush toxins from your body. In addition, green tea is rich in catechins, which helps to improve liver function.

7.  Lemonade Cleanser:

Lemon has natural cleansing properties. Although consuming lemon directly is slightly unpleasant, you can easily make a natural, healthy lemonade. Combine four tablespoons of fresh, organic lemon juice, a half teaspoon of real maple syrup, and a half teaspoon of pepper in a ten ounces glass of water. Mix well. Drink it daily and you’ll notice a change in your immune system.

If you desire more taste, you can add things like organic berries and herbs, such as mint.

8.   rest and relax:

Sleep and de-stressors are very important for a healthy immune system.  Especially around the holidays, our sleep is often compromised.  We tend to stay up later or consume sugary foods and drinks that may keep us awake or restless.  It’s important to try to go to bed around the same time every night.  Incorporate things such as meditation or breathing techniques to calm the body and mind.  Shutting down electronics at least an hour before bed helps as well.

9.  Incorporate probiotics:

I consume healthy probiotics on a daily basis but especially bump them up this time of the year.  Probiotics are beneficial in aiding gut health ( where much disease is formed).  To naturally boost your gut health and immune system, consume things like kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt, kefir and other naturally fermented foods.  When choosing probiotics, I recommend choosing ones of good quality.  Which often are stored in the refrigerator.

Probiotics are especially important if you’re taking an antibiotic.

10.  Incorporate Bone Broth:

As children, we often consumed grilled cheese sandwiches and Campbell’s Chicken Noodle soup when we didn’t feel well.  No offense to my mom, but now I understand why my grandmother cooked with homemade broth.  Organic bone broth is one of the best things you can consume to help aid your immune system and support gut health.  Not only is it delicious and easy to make, it’s extremely beneficial in supporting your health.  For a healthy and easy recipe, click here:

Additional healthy foods include raw garlic, ginger, raw and Manuka honey, oregano oil and mushrooms (such as maitake, reishi and shiitake).

Herbs are also beneficial when supporting overall health and boosting the immune system.  For healthy herb options and how to use them, click here: Healthy Herbs

Incorporating a few or many of these tips will not only help boost your immune system, but support a healthy gut and body.  As we transition from the holiday season into the New Year, especially during the colder months when germs are more common, I recommend exercising these natural immune supporters.

Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year!


