Winter Squash

Healthy Changes to Your Winter Nutrition

As the temperature drops, our nutritional needs change. Except for winter-sports enthusiasts, people become less physically active. After all, when it’s cold and snowy outside, even a trip to a neighborhood grocery store is a daunting task. With the advent of cold and flu season, staying healthy takes a bit more effort. What’s more, nutrition-packed fruits and vegetables that were plentiful during the summer may be in short supply—and take a bigger chunk out of our wallets.

However, there are many delicious and affordable ways to ensure proper nutrition during the dark days of winter. These tips will help you maintain optimum health and please your palate at the same time.

Go for Beans

There are many varieties of legumes, including garbanzo beans (aka chickpeas), lentils, lima beans, and pinto beans. These hearty foods have something in common: they are fiber and protein powerhouses. Beans can be added to stews and soups, served in salads, and cooked and eaten by themselves. To reduce gassiness, soak them in water for six to eight hours and rinse before preparing.

With the cold season in full swing, it’s a perfect time for chili.  Load up on the beans when cooking up your favorite chili.  This is a great stew recipe too!  Add whatever beans you enjoy.  Healthy and Hearty Slow Cooker Beef Stew

Try Some Spuds

Potatoes have an undeserved bad reputation for their starch content. However, they are chock full of vital nutrients. One potato provides hefty amounts of immunity-boosting vitamins B6 and C (29% and 25% of the recommended daily allowance of each). Fiber—4 grams in an average-size potato—and folate, essential for the proper development of unborn babies, are added bonuses. Purple potatoes are great sources of anthocyanins, antioxidants with a variety of benefits ranging from keeping heart disease at bay to reducing inflammation. Adding carrots, parsnips, turnips, and other roots vegetables to mashed potatoes is a delicious way to include vegetables in a wintertime dish.

Talk Turkey

This bird is not for Thanksgiving only. Low in calories and high in protein, it’s a natural in sandwiches, soup, salads, stir-fry, and by itself.

Include Winter Squash

Spaghetti, acorn, and butternut are only a few types of this colorful, tasty, nutritious vegetable. Winter squash is low-calorie and rich in fiber, vitamin A, folic acid, and vitamin C. Acorn squash also has 30% of the RDA of vitamin B1, 25% of B6, and 31% of magnesium. And butternut squash is a powerhouse of vitamins A and C: 179% and 31% of their respective daily requirements. Leave off the butter and syrup and try a little ghee, applesauce, maple syrup, brown sugar, or cinnamon.

Recipe: Simple Spaghetti Squash

Add Some Greens and Reds

Chard, collards, and kale flourish in winter.  The frosty weather can reduce kale’s bitter taste. With healthy amounts of vitamins C, A, and K—and plenty of folate in escarole, mustard greens, and collards—leafy greens can keep people’s immune systems in good shape. Red cabbage, a cousin of kale, contains few calories and lots of vitamin A, plus zeaxanthin and lutein, phytochemicals so important for eye health as people age.

Don’t Forget Fruit

Citrus fruit is loaded with vitamin C. Grapefruit, oranges, and their cousins are also excellent sources of all-important flavonoids. Hesperidin, the dominant flavonoid in citrus fruit, is known to raise HDL cholesterol (the good kind), reduce LDL cholesterol, and lower triglyceride levels. And if you have not yet tried pomegranate juice, you may want to add it to your daily regimen. It contains more antioxidants than any other kind. Studies show that pomegranate juice may help prevent free radicals from doing damage—and increase the flow of blood to the heart in patients whose tickers do not receive sufficient oxygen because of blocked arteries.

By adding these good-tasting and nutritious foods to the menu, you can ensure that you and your family will weather the chilly season. Enjoy!
P.S. If you’re looking for some delicious and healthy recipes for your holiday meals, I welcome you to check out my Healthy Holiday Guide
do you feel like you’re struggling with your nutrition and health goals this time of the year? let’s connect and schedule a free discovery session. click on the contact button here.  i look forward to talking with you soon. Contact




Daily Practices for Increased Happiness

It’s the holiday season and a time when we embrace and exude gratitude, thankfulness, happiness and joy.  This may be the case for many but it’s also a time of stress, frustrations, negativity, loneliness and struggle.

I’ve always loved the holidays but especially so as a child.  Do you remember those joyful feelings when you were little?  The excitement and energy!

When I became a police officer, I saw a different side of the holidays.  I saw hardships, unhealthy relationships, struggles and sadness.  It took a strong mindset to keep that feeling of joy and gratitude.  It was through those experiences and my own struggles that I worked on my own health and happiness.  Discovering new joys and blessings.  Gratitude like I’ve never felt before, yet it took work, personal development and growth.

Finding something to be happy about just once a day can be difficult. Finding something to be happy about so that you are a happier person overall can seem almost impossible. If you are finding yourself in this situation, you may be wondering how to get out of it so you have less stress and anxiety as well as increasing your happiness and getting to a better place in your life. Here are some daily practices that can help you be a happier person.  Especially during the holiday season.

Gratitude Journal

One way to become a happier person, through mindfulness and daily practice, is to start a gratitude journal. You do not need a full journal to do this. In fact, you can use your daily planner or online planner for this. You can even use social media. The key point to this daily practice is to find at least one thing a day you are thankful for or have gratitude for. This can be anything. Let’s face it, we all have bad days. It is finding the good in that bad day that helps us become happier. So, it can be anything from having a great cup of coffee that morning to being happy the day is over so you can start fresh the next day. The point is to recognize the happiness or good and note it.

Every morning I start my day with gratitude, growth and goals.  This daily routine has been a game changer for me.  Start your day listing 1, 5 or 10 things that you’re grateful for.  Like I said, it can be the simplest things.  I recommend sticking to this routine daily.  You can choose to list your gratitudes in the morning, at night or both.  Notice the shift in how it makes you feel and be mindful of your thoughts and feelings around it.

Reducing for Charity

Reducing for charity may seem like an odd endeavor as a daily practice, but it is something that can be very fulfilling for both parties. The idea here is to remove something from your life each day or week that you do not need. This can be anything from a toy your child no longer plays with or has outgrown to an extra set of dishes you really don’t need. Place these items in a box and at the end of the week or month and give the box to charity. These items are no longer cluttering your day and causing a storage issue, and you are helping someone else who may want or need them.  The happiness comes in when you find the joy in either getting the items out of your house or seeing that they can bring joy to someone else through your charity.

Breath Walking

Breath walking may be something that is new to you, but it can make you a happier person. The concept here is to go on a walk in nature each day for a few minutes or more. Just get away from everything. Step out into nature with no electronics. Now this doesn’t mean to go out with no way of contacting anyone in an emergency. It simply means to turn off distractions and phones and just walk. Concentrate on your breath as you move and walk and work to calm it. Notice the sounds and nature around you, and let go of the stress of the day through your breathing. You will find yourself healthier and happier at the end of the walk and as the walks progress, you may find yourself more adapted to handling your daily stress as well.


Meditation is a great way to slow down, relax and fill your happiness tank.  There are different forms of meditation, so discover which one works best for you and build on it.  There are guided meditations, quiet time alone, breath work, listening to quiet music while relaxing your mind and just being still.  Many have discovered that clarity, calmness and fulfillment come from meditation.  When we calm the body and mind, amazing things happen.

Be the Reason Someone Smiles

This is something my father taught me as a young girl.  It’s something I’ve carried with me through the years and something I exercise daily.  Be the reason someone smiles today- and everyday!  Whether you open the door for a stranger, say hello to someone walking down the street or engage a joyful conversation with someone in the grocery checkout line.  Engage with others, smile, exude your happiness and joy.  Whatever works for you… discover it and do it some more.

I’ve discovered many ways to encourage others to smile and it not only brightens someone else’s day, but it fills my gratitude, joy and happiness tank.  So, be the reason someone smiles today. ?

As you start adding these daily practices into your life, you will start seeing a change for the better and seeing yourself becoming happier. Remember, start slow and discover what works best for you. It’s all about letting the process develop in your life at your own pace.

From my home to yours, blessing and best wishes for a Healthy and Happy Holiday Season!




Halloween Sugar

Top 10 Health Tips for Kicking Sugar Cravings

Halloween is a fun time to enjoy sweet treats, dressing up, holiday parties and fun with the kiddos.

There is much excitement with all of the decorations, spooky fun and festivals.  Yet, as soon as Halloween comes and goes, we start to hear the words sugar and holidays.  Clients and friends are already feeling the affects of the Halloween fun and they’re already thinking about what’s ahead with the upcoming holiday season.

There are ways to enjoy the holiday season without the guilt, constant crashes, weight gain and delayed resolutions.  Below are some of my top tips that may help you enjoy the holidays without the hard.

Tips for Kicking Sugar Cravings


Consider Your Caffein Intake.  

Caffeine is often consumed during the busy holiday season when many are feeling tired and exhausted.  Though there are some health benefits to coffee, it can also dehydrate the body, increase blood sugar swings and may cause sugar cravings.

Stay Hydrated.

Speaking of hydration… There are times that we are hungry or crave sugar and in fact, we’re dehydrated.  Try to stay hydrated throughout the day and if you feel added cravings coming about, drink some water and wait a few minutes. Not a fan of plain water?  Try infusing it with lemons, limes, berries or cucumbers.

“Crowd Out” Sweet Cravings with Naturally Sweet Fruits and Veggies.

Consuming sweet flavored fruits and veggies can help satisfy the sweet tooth you may be craving.  Here is one of my favorite sweet veggies.  Delicious, healthy and tastes like sweet healthy candy. Healthy Honey Glazed Carrots

Avoid Foods Consisting of Added Sugars, Chemicals and Artificial Sweeteners.

When sweetening dishes, swap out the above items for healthier options such as local raw honey, pure maple syrup, dried fruits (dates are my favorite) and stevia.

Stay Active and Keep Your Booty Moving.

Movement and activity helps to balance blood sugar levels, reduces stress, boosts energy and increases happiness.  When cravings hit, grab a workout with a friend, walk your dog, ride your bike, practice yoga or light stretching.  Switch it up and do more of what you enjoy.

Make Time for Rest and Relaxation.

When the body is exhausted, lacking sleep or stressed, it will crave the quickest form of energy available.  That form is often times sugar. Rest and relaxation is so important for the body and mind.

Consider the Amount of Animal Meat You’re Consuming.

When looking at Traditional Chinese Medicine and yin-yang principles of eating, too much or too little animal food can create imbalances in the body.  Slowing down while eating, being mindful and discovering the foods right for your body can help create balance of your own bio-individuality.

Eliminate Low-Fat and Fat Free Foods.

When our foods shifted towards low fat and fat free, there was a spike in sales of these products.  Many thought these foods would help them lose weight and live healthier lifestyles. In actuality, these foods contain high quantities of sugar to compensate for their lack of flavor and fat.  These foods will take the body on a rollercoaster of ups and downs.

Have Fun with Spices.

Spices and natural sweeteners (above) will naturally sweeten your foods.  Try experimenting with spices such as cinnamon, cloves, coroner and cardamom.  During the fall and winter seasons, your body craves foods and spices that are warming.

Consider Your Primary Foods.

Primary foods are different from the nutrition we have on our plate.  When we slow down and find joy in non-food ways, we discover a sweetness and zest for life.  Cravings are often related to other things going on in our lives.

Consider your current lifestyle and ways that you can make some adjustments to nurture more areas of your life beyond your plate. This is actually quite an empowering process.


When life is sweet, sugar isn’t needed!


Are you already thinking about the sugar crashes, diving into your grandmother’s mashed potatoes, the family pumpkin pie or the variety of cocktails you know will be served at your office party?  I know this is a time where we begin to accept and prepare the exhaustion, stress, bloating, weight gain and more.

You don’t have to relive other holidays like those in the past.  

There is a way to enjoy the tastes and cheer of the holidays while feeling confident and sexy in your holiday dress.

If you’re looking for a program and community that will help you THRIVE NOT SURVIVE through the holidays, I welcome you to join us!

The next Fall Fuel for You program begins Monday, November 11th.  If you have any questions, I welcome you to directly message me here. Contact

Looking for additional tips and recipes this holiday season?  Check out my Healthy Holiday Guide

Cheers to a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season!



Fall Superfoods


Fall food swaps are a simple, healthy way to support this season’s change, strengthen our immunity and support our body as we approach the holiday season ahead.

If you want to eat a little healthier through the fall season, it doesn’t require completely changing your nutrition. In many cases, you can just make a few substitutions with the foods you already enjoy. Lower-fat foods that are tasty and nutritious. Here are some healthy food swaps that use fall superfoods.

Use Pumpkin in Cake Mixes

One of the easiest healthy food swaps you can do with your fall superfoods is to use pumpkin puree with cake mixes. This turns your cake or cupcakes into just 2 ingredients, including the cake mix of your choice and pumpkin puree. The pumpkin replaces all other ingredients you would have mixed in with the cake mix, like oil and eggs. This is often done with a spiced cake mix that goes well with pumpkin, but don’t be afraid to experiment with vanilla and chocolate cake mixes as well.

Don’t like pumpkin?  Use fresh applesauce instead.  Both pumpkin and apples are incredible fall foods with many health benefits.

Sweet Potatoes Instead of White Potatoes

Many people enjoy potatoes, especially in the fall when you want more savory dishes, but they tend to be high in carbs and fat, and not very nutritious. Instead of having traditional white potatoes in your dishes, try sweet potatoes. These are a superfood, so they are filled with nutrients, and are amazing to enjoy during the fall season. You can enjoy stuffed sweet potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes, sweet potato fries or even sweet potato soup.

Use Cauliflower for Low-Carb Options

If you are on a low-carb nutrition plan, then you should become familiar with cauliflower. The bland taste and slightly rough texture of cauliflower makes it perfect as a substitute for many of the carb-rich foods you can no longer have. You can use it to make mashed cauliflower instead of potatoes, make lots of types of rice with it, or even make cauliflower steaks. Be creative and find different ways to substitute the higher-carb ingredients with cauliflower.  Cauliflower can pack a lot of flavor when cooked with avocado oil or ghee, herbs and spices.

I love to make healthier pizza with cauliflower crust.  I keep it simple and healthy with this crust of choice.  Link: Cauliflower Crust

Quinoa Instead of Rice

The last substitution you can make for a healthier superfood-rich meal is to replace your rice with quinoa. Most types of rice, including white rice and brown rice, are okay in moderation, but they lack the nutrition you need for a well-balanced meal. Quinoa is considered a superfood, so it is the perfect alternative when you want to have a rice dish. You can make a harvest quinoa side dish with squash, pumpkin, and spices, which is simply to make and very good for you with all the superfoods included.

As mentioned, there are many ways to swap some of your traditional dishes for healthier, super food filled, yummy recipes.  Below is one of my favorites this fall season.  It’s a great recipe to share with family and friends and it uses up those leftover pumpkins from Halloween. ?
Roasted Pumpkin with Cranberry Sauce


2 pounds of fresh pumpkin, seeded and cut long ways into crescents

3 Tbsp raw local honey
3 Tbsp avocado oil (or another oil of your choice)
Optional seasoning: 1 tsp pumpkin spice


Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and lightly oil. In a small bowl, combine and stir the oil and honey. Spread pumpkin slices on prepared sheets, side by side. Brush one side of the slices with oil and honey mixture. If adding the spice, lightly dust before roasting. Roast 10 to 15 minutes, or until browning begins.

Carefully flip the slices with tongs and brush with the remaining oil combination. If desired, you can add more spice (if using). Roast another 10 to 15 minutes or until desired texture and color. Serve with cranberry sauce

Cranberry Sauce


12 ounces fresh cranberries
2 apples, peeled and chopped 1 cup of water
1⁄2 cup local raw honey


In a saucepan over high heat, bring all ingredients to a boil. Once the ingredients begin to boil, reduce the heat to low. Simmer and stir occasionally until the cranberries pop and the ingredients thicken. Remove from heat and allow to cool. This delicious dish can be refrigerated for serving later or served after cooking and once cooled down.

This recipe and many more will be featured in my Healthy Holiday Guide COMING SOON! To learn more or get on the waiting list, message me here: Contact Kim

Have you discovered a healthy swap that you enjoy?  I welcome you to share!

Happy Fall Y’all!



Stuffed 8-Ball Zucchini

There has been an abundance of zucchini and squash this season and I’ve been having fun cooking up different recipes.

From my own garden to the farmers market, these healthy ingredients have provided quite the bounty this summer.  Zucchini comes in a variety of colors and provides many health benefits.  Low in calories and loaded with anti-inflammatory properties, zucchini are also a great source of Vitamin C and antioxidants. They are high in potassium, support a healthy gut and digestion and help cool the body during hot summer months.

Zucchini boats and cups are super easy to make and they’re fun to do while sharing quality time with family.  If you cannot find these adorable 8-Ball Zucchini, you can make boats with long ones. Instead of cutting off the tops, cut the long ones lengthwise.

Stuffed 8-Ball Zucchini Recipe


4 large round zucchini

1/2 onion, chopped

2 garlic cloves, diced

1 pepper (any color), chopped

1 pound of lean meat (bison, turkey, beef)

1 cup quinoa (cooked)

2-3 Tablespoons avocado oil

1/2 Tablespoon Italian Seasoning

1/4 Cup Fresh Basil, chopped

Optional: Fresh grated cheese like goat or sheep cheese



Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Carefully cut tops off of zucchini with a sharp kitchen knife. Place stems to the side.

Using a melon baller or knife and spoon, carefully scoop out the inner flesh of the zucchini, leaving a little flesh as the shell.

Place cups in a lightly greased roasting dish and cook for 10 minutes.  When removed from the oven set aside and lightly cool for handling.

Heat avocado oil in a skillet or cooktop pan on the stovetop over medium heat.  Cook the chopped onions and peppers for about three minutes. Add the garlic and cook for another couple of minutes. Set aside in a bowl.

In the same stovetop pan, cook the meat until throughly cooked through. Add the dry seasoning and combine with the onion and pepper mixture. Add in the cooked quinoa and toss with the fresh basil. Combine all ingredients and spoon the mixture into the shells.

Tightly pack the cooked mixture into the cups.  You may have some mixture leftover. This can be stored in an airtight container for later use.

Roast uncovered for 15 minutes.  If adding cheese, do so now and roast another 12-15 minutes or until the zucchini is tender to the touch and the filling is lightly browned.
