
Top Tips for Staying Happy and Healthy During the Holidays

Holiday cheer and this time of the year are often filled with celebration, friends, family and togetherness.  It’s also filled with long “to-do” lists, stress, toxicity and unhealthy food. That’s usually the case with a “normal year,” but 2020 has been a little different from “normal.”   We’ve had to pivot a great deal this year and we’re continuing to do so during the holiday season.

Instead of adding additional physical and emotional stress to your plate, try some of these tips for a happier and healthier holiday season.  These tips can carry into the New Year as well.

Give Yourself the Gift of “Balance”

Ladies, this year has given us grace to “do it messy!”  So, gone are the days of perfection and complete balance.  Does that really even exist?

What I’m proposing is a complete mindset shift around how you honor your body and your self-care needs during the holiday season. Queens, this is your time to add even MORE self care and love!  This is a time for giving, so how about you give yourself a gift that’s going to nourish you beyond the 10-minute sugar rush of that wretchedly unhealthy fruit cake your aunt likes to make.

Be mindful and intentional with your food choices

There is nothing wrong with enjoying good food during the holiday season.  I love food and have no guilt or shame when enjoying nourishing foods that I love.  Though things are different this year with parties, work events and gatherings with friends and family, we will still be around holiday food if you’re celebrating the season.  With that being said, this should not be an opportunity to sabotage your goals and health between now and the New Year (or beyond).

If you find yourself grabbing junk food or guzzling down extra alcohol, ask yourself how you’re feeling.  Are you stressed?  Feeling anxious (I’ve been hearing this a lot lately)?  Depressed?  With this year especially, you’re not alone if you are feeling one or more of these feelings.   Emotions play a huge role in our food (and alcohol) choices.  Being in tune with your mindset, feelings and intentions will play a large part in your choices.

If you know you have an upcoming event or family gathering, make sure you eat something healthy and satisfying before you head out.  While at your event, enjoy a little bit of something you’re craving or wanting to try and fill the rest of your plate with lean protein and veggies.  You don’t have to feel deprived this holiday season, but don’t overdo it either.

Stay Active

Exercise is very important during the holiday season.  Have you heard “endorphin’s make you happy?”  It’s true!  Not only is it important to get that booty moving when it’s cold outside (and year round), but it helps with your mood too!  This is a great time to join a gym, start a new fitness class or find some new gal pals for accountability.  During quarantine, I have been walking a lot and it’s been so nice to get out in nature for some fresh air and movement.  Are you more of the “outdoorsy” type?  Grab your skis or ice skates and bundle up for a fun event.  There are many options (indoors and outdoors) this holiday season.  Find what makes you happy and get others involved.  Whatever you choose, keep it moving!

 Find Time for Rest

Yes, exercise and movement  are important but so is rest!  Especially during the busy holiday season and winter months.  Your body needs it and craves it during the winter season!!!  Not only will you feel more refreshed, but it will help with your stress levels and keep you from making poor choices.  If you’re finding it difficult to manage a rest and sleep schedule, you may need to make some changes in your routine.  Sleep should be a priority; especially this time of the year.  Try going to bed and waking up around the same time.  Limit your television and technology viewing a few hours before bed.  Relax in a hot epsom bath with some lavender and other oils.  Grabbing a good book and cup of tea helps in the evening too.  Again, find what works for you and make it a priority.  Rest is not something that should be negotiable any time of year.

 Bump Up the Self Care

If you’re one of my clients or follow me on social media, you know how much I stress Self Care.  After learning the hard way of pouring from an empty cup, I’ve become a Self Care Queen! This is something I had to learn the hard way but it’s something I make a priority in my own lifestyle.  It’s non-negotiable!   Especially during the busy holiday season.  Why?  Because it’s SO important!

Women are the first ones to put themselves last!  If you resonate with this statement, then you may need to ask yourself how much you’re adding self care into your lifestyle.  A hot epsom salt bath, massage, yoga class or new outfit can make a huge difference.  You’re not being selfish!  You’re taking care of you and in turn, will benefit so many around you.  When the holiday season is stressful and you’re feeling run down, bump up the self care.  It’s good for the body and mind!

set boundaries

Talk to your family and friends and explain that you’ll be doing things differently this year.  Share with them that just because it’s the holidays, it doesn’t mean you’re going to settle for nutritionally deprived foods that take more than they give your body.  Explain that you’ll be creating some healthy delicious options and offer to share with them, it is the holidays, after all!

Beware of Toxic People 

The holidays can bring upon stress when it comes to gatherings with friends and family.  We often hear about “tolerating” someone for an event or evening.  You may feel uncomfortable being around a group of friends or family members.  Whatever the case, choose wisely.  Ask yourself if the stress, anxiety and frustration is worth it.  I am not saying to isolate yourself from your family and friends, but choose what makes you happy and feel healthy.  Maintaining distance and setting limitations or boundaries may better serve you.  You should surround yourself with those who light you up and make you happy.

exercise your creativity in the kitchen 

Try new and exciting recipes. Splurge and buy expensive superfoods, interesting fresh fruits and vegetables that you don’t always get, nuts and seeds and truffled extra-virgin olive oil.  I’ve become a huge fan of speciality oils and balsamic vinegars.  I love the incredible flavors and I enjoy cooking more when I use specialty ingredients.  If you’re looking to save money on Superfoods, I recommend Amazon and stores like Home Goods and Marshalls.

Healthy food can be totally gourmet and special too. Make your own homemade chocolate with mint leaves and stevia for sweetness. Adorn your salads with pomegranates and walnuts.  Go out of your comfort zone and see what healthy meals you can whip up with some new ingredients.

If you’re looking for a SWEET and healthier treat, I welcome you to check out my favorite recipe to share with friends and family during the holidays.  Not only is this Bark super easy to make but it’s enjoyed by many!  It stores well, looks adorable in a treat bag and is enjoyed just as much when frozen or refrigerated.  


Dark Chocolate Coconut and Cranberry Bark

I hope you found some value in these tips.  Even though they are all important, incorporating a few of them can make a huge difference in your holiday season.  This time of the year passes so quickly, so I encourage you to make it a magical, happy time.
Your health and happiness should be a huge priority!  You don’t have to wait until the New Year to get started!  

P.S. If you’re feeling like you could use a complete RESET from 2020, I welcome you to check out my New Year Nourished You RESET program launching (prep week) on January 4th.  Let’s kick start 2021 on a healthy note and RISE in the New Year! Link: New Year Nourished You Reset


from my home to yours, happy holidays!!!




A Busy Gal’s Guide to Finding Zen

Finding Zen when life feels like a hustle is one way you can implement self care and love.  Ladies, do you feel like you’re constantly running a race with limited time to think?  Constantly tending to everyone and everything else while just trying to breathe.

We live in a world that seems overrun by chaos.  Constantly facing personal and social challenges on a daily basis. Nearly everyone is affected by this at some point and everyone experiences it differently. However, we are all also wired to fight back against these conditions.  Living up to our full potential with love and healing. But this wiring gets shortened due to physical, psychological, emotional and even social factors. As a result, you might feel overwhelmed and ultimately think that you are not capable of handling all the pressure without breaking down.  Carrying around added stress and being in a state of “fight or flight” isn’t good for the body or mind.

It’s times like these when you feel restless and uncertain.  During such times, staying centered and finding your Zen and core integrity is essential. It is important during these circumstances of confusion to learn to fight back in a healthy way.   Using intuition and consistency, building a soulful connection capable of overcoming powerful fears and helping clarity prevail. It is also important to keep your nervous system and your inner self aligned so that anger, fear and other negative feelings don’t build up.  Resulting to burying the natural love every one of us was born with.

Do you struggle to find peace and zen when your life feels chaotic and stressful?  Below are some tips that may help.

Ways to Find Your Zen in a Busy World

  1. Feel:  Be aware of your feelings, but don’t let the chaos become your reality. Rather, let everything exist the way it is while trying to bring it back to normal.  Using the inner light that helps you stay aware and connected to your own inner reality.
  2. Rise early: Rise early and start your day sooner. It allows you some free time to collect yourself, plan the day ahead and stay connected to your inner self. You can use this time for deep breathing, prayer, yoga, meditation, gratitude or any other method that you feel calms your soul.
  3. Practice deep breathing: Deep breathing balances your nervous system and is transformative in an amazing way. Inhale slowly, pause, and hold your breath for a beat. Then exhale slowly and controlled, with another pause before your next inhale. This breathing exercise will bring energy and love to every cell in your body.  It really helps to relax the body and mind and slow it down.
  4. Take a relaxing shower or bath: Massage your body with almond oil and take a short rest. Then indulge in a hot shower and feel your body relax. You will feel refreshed and your senses revitalized the second you step out of the shower. This practice will prepare you to effectively handle the stress of daily life.  A bath is wonderful at the end of the day.  Personally, I enjoy a hot bath with epsom salt and lavender oil.  It’s a great opportunity to relax the body and mind.  Epsom salt will help to cleanse the body as well.  To learn more about detox baths, click here:
  5. Take genuine, mindful breaths: If at any time of the day you feel you are losing control over yourself, take a short break and practice slow, mindful breathing for a few minutes. At least take five authentic breaths to reclaim your Zen and feel revitalized again before returning to your routine.
  6. Be kind to yourself: Feeling ashamed or guilty of past actions can really bring down your morale and make you feel low. Forgiving yourself, on the other hand, can promote good and positive vibes. Try to forgive yourself more often to feel loved and uplifted.  Choices and change are things we have control over on a daily basis.  Consider how you’re speaking to yourself and the limiting beliefs that flow through your mind.  Practicing self love, care and positive vibes daily will help when those toxic thoughts come up.
  7. Positive words: What we say has a profound impact on our feelings and the people around us. Affirming and positive words promote good mutual feelings and surround you with the positive energy. Reclaim your love and energy by using positive words.  Practicing joy and gratitude daily will help with this exercise.  Starting your day with such activities can make a healthy shift for your day ahead.

Incorporating these tips and steps into your life can help you live a happier and more peaceful life in the midst of all the chaos in the world around you.

Consider adding in some of these tips and see how things shift in your world.  See what works for you and adjust accordingly.  We are all uniquely different, so experimenting is great for self-discovery.

I welcome you to share some tips that work for you.  I also welcome you to share this list with others.  You never know who you may help, impact and inspire.  So many people are running the race of life.  Slowing down and adding these things are small changes that will bring about large results.

Looking for some additional tips to live the nourished life?  I welcome you to check out my recent article published through Sass Magazine.  Girl’s Guide to Living the Nourished Life



self love

Love Yourself to Better Health

Many consider February to be “the month of love.”  We often see pink hearts, chocolates, and romance shooting at us like cupid’s arrow.  It’s important to shed light on another kind of love.  “Self-Love” is something that many put on the back burner but should be exercised often.  No matter the day, month or year.

How many times have you said that you’re too busy to incorporate self-love? There isn’t enough time in the day, your workday is long, the kids and your husband need to come first, the dishes are piling up and the laundry needs to be folded. Do you mention any of these common reasons?

Maybe you have a laundry list of your own. Even though life is busy, it’s still important to incorporate self-love. It’s also important to remind yourself that making self-love a priority is not a selfish act.  If anything, when you exercise self-love, not only will you benefit, but those in your life will benefit as well.

Self-love is a positive regard for your own happiness and well-being.

This type of love leads to increased strength and responsibility, mindfulness, increased productivity, increased self-compassion and decreased stress. Studies have shown that when you practice self-love, you are more likely to engage in activities and a lifestyle that contributes to better nutrition, physical fitness and overall improved health.

When thinking about self-love, two examples spoke volumes to me.  Especially during a time in my life when I was lacking a great deal of self-love and placing everyone else before me. The first is the “airplane instruction” example. When traveling on an airplane, we are taught to place and secure our mask before assisting and caring for others. When I first gave this thought some more detail and depth, I immediately thought it was selfish. Then I began to understand the concept more and definitely now see how much it relates to self-love. Our journey can be quite the education tool and reminder.

The second example is the “you cannot pour from an empty cup” concept.  In relationships and life, women especially find themselves burnt out and exhausted because of constant care and responsibility to others. It’s important to constantly ask yourself, “How full is my cup?” If you’re feeling depleted and burnt out, it’s time to add some self-care and love. Doing so consistently will help to keep your cup full and help you maintain better health and happiness.

It’s important to remember to treat yourself with the same love and compassion that you would show to someone you’re in love with. The more you care for yourself, the better equipped you will be to give back to and empower others. The more you give, the more you will receive in return.

Self-love and self-care are much of the same.  Below are some tips that may help you incorporate self-love in your own life.  I encourage you to try to incorporate at least one act every day.  In time, it will become more natural and you will reap the many benefits. Remember, this may be the month of LOVE, but self-love is something to exercise and embrace all of the time.  You don’t need a large budget or a lot of time. Keep it simple, gentle, and see what works for your own unique, beautiful self.

Tips for Practicing Self-Love:

  1. Practice Gratitude: A daily gratitude journal is a great way to express those things you are grateful for.
  2. Self-Acceptance: No matter where you are on your journey, it’s important to tell yourself, “I am enough.”  There is nobody like you and that’s what makes you so special.
  3. Take Time to Be Alone: Being alone with yourself is important when exercising self-love. Take a relaxing bath, go for a walk by yourself or curl up and read a good book.
  4. Make A List of the Things You Love About Yourself: Too often, the self-sabotaging critic is running crazy in our minds.  Whether it’s the critic or the “business” that keeps us from forgetting, take time often (or daily) to read your list.
  5. Accountability and Support: Exercising self-love can take some work. Especially in the beginning. Creating a support-system you trust or finding an accountability partner could be very beneficial.
  6. Find the Joy in Today: Instead of rehashing or reliving anger and shame from the past, focus on the joys of the present.
  7. Allow Yourself to Dream Big: Is there something you’ve always wanted to do?  Now is a great time to explore without placing limiting beliefs and judgement on yourself.
  8. Find Those Things That Inspire You: Passion, purpose and inspiration are big components of life.  What ignites your spark?  What things can you do to feel inspired?
  9. Nourishment and Movement: Fueling your body with foods that nurture you will not only help you feel better but will empower you to take care of YOU! The same goes for movement.  It doesn’t have to be rigorous exercise.  Find what you like and maybe try something new.
  10. Celebrate Your Success: No matter how big or small your accomplishments are, celebrate them!

Click below for addition tips to:


This month and every month, i encourage you to make time for self care and love.  find what works for you and make it a part of your lifestyle.
 please share this post with anyone that you think may benefit. ❤



The Power of Self Care

How many times have you said that you’re too busy to incorporate self care?  There isn’t enough time in the day, the kids and your husband need to come first, the dishes are piling up and the laundry needs to be folded.  Do you mention any of these common reasons?  Maybe you have a laundry list of your own.

What is self care?  There are many definitions and everyone has a list that works uniquely for them.  I think of self care as any activity that nurtures and refuels us on a deeper level.  To me, self care can be reading a book, taking a walk in nature, oil pulling, a gentle touch, a meaningful conversation, a relaxing bath, massage or a facial, meditation or working out, drawing or writing, a long walk on the beach, sex, rocking on the front porch while listening to the birds or skin brushing before a hot shower.  There are so many types of self care, but you have to define what works for you.

When life gets busy, one of the first things to go is personal care.  Even with a busy schedule, it’s imperative to include it in your day.  Every…single…day!  Yes, we can all think of a million things to do before we take care of ourselves, but not including self care can come with a price.  Let’s look at these two scenarios.

Scenario Number One:  You wake up in the morning hitting your alarm several times.  Waking exhausted and dreading your day, you race around your house to get ready.  You speed through a shower and throw on an outfit that you don’t feel great wearing.  “What’s that?  You don’t have time to look through your closet.”  You skip breakfast because you don’t have time or grab a sugar filled, processed “meal.”  As you rush into your car, you hit traffic and lose your shit.  Now you’re running late to your meeting and start work on a bad foot.  The entire work day is filled with stress, negativity and exhaustion.  You grab sugary sweets and coffee for “energy.”  Now it’s time to hit traffic and head home.  You’re in a bad mood, so you bicker with your husband. Dinner time leads to an argument and you both go to bed angry.

Scenario Number Two:  After a long day, you decide a cup of tea, nice book and early bed time is a great way to end the night.  Even if you didn’t get everything done, you know tomorrow is a new day and you need some rest.  You wake up rested, refreshed and more calm.  You take a little extra time in the shower and throw on that gorgeous outfit that you picked out last night. The one that makes you feel like you’re going to conquer the day.  You enjoy a healthy breakfast and some quality time with your family.  While driving to work, you slow down and take a few breaths to relax and prepare for work.  While at work, you enjoy some meaningful conversations with your co-workers, enjoy a healthy lunch with a colleague and head home feeling more positive and energized.  Once home, you enjoy a family meal while discussing everyone’s day.  Time to get the kids bathed and tucked in before some quality time with your husband.

Which of those scenarios would you choose?  

You are probably sitting there thinking, “I wish it was that simple and easy!”  Yes, life can be chaotic and stressful, but when you’re running with a full energy tank, you will serve on a higher level.  At the same time, your personal care has a ripple effect and the lack there of can serve you negatively.   It’s an important part of your day and one that should be practiced regularly.  Even if you can only allow 10 or 15 minutes.

It’s not something that should be perfected.  It will ebb and flow, but take the time to incorporate it every day.  As you find what works for you and consistently include it in your routine, it will eventually become as common as brushing your teeth.

If necessary, schedule it into your calendar.  Make it a priority when your schedule allows.  Some people find it helpful to have an accountability partner.  You can check in with one another once a week and see how things are going.  Who do you have on your support team who can help you stay consistent?  Do you have another “mom friend” who is also feeling like she puts herself last? Maybe you can ask your husband to help keep you accountable.  Whether it’s your friend, coach, psychologist, spouse or family member, choose to be accountable to someone if you feel like you need the support.  Even when things are busy and chaotic, it’s important to include some form of self care EVERY DAY.


Top 10 Tips for Including Self Care

  1.  Make time for healthy meals and avoid a bunch of sugary snacks and caffeine.
  2. Allow some extra time in your day or first thing in the morning.
  3. Take ownership of your needs and communicate them to your family.
  4. If necessary, schedule it into your calendar.
  5. Have patience while you’re discovering what works for you.
  6. Lose the “business!”  It’s a priority like anything else.
  7. Remove environmental and chaotic distractions (car, home and lifestyle).
  8. Keep a list of 5 things you consider personal care.  Keep it handy and refer to it often.
  9. If you think it will help, find an accountability partner.
  10. Single pointed focus- One thing at a time.  For example, don’t be on your phone while you’re relaxing in a bath.

Self care is one of the highest leverage things you can do to perform every day and stay happy and calm.  Are you including Self Care into your day now?  Where can you make some changes?  Remember, you’re not being selfish.  Everyone around you will benefit when you make these simple changes.

I would love to hear your questions or ideas.  If you’re struggling to include self care or don’t know where to start, feel free to message me.  It’s a huge equation in your overall health and wellness.

