Spring Cleaning to Support Change

As we welcome a time change and brighter longer days, we are seeing nature come out of hibernation.  Transitioning from winter into sunny spring energy.  Spring often brings play, more activity, energy and creativity.  Yet, we are experiencing a seasonal shift that goes against the grain.  Due to currently being in the pandemic, we are experiencing heightened anxiety, depression, exhaustion (mentally and physically) and uncertainty.

Now more than ever, it’s important for us to be proactive with our health, joy and wellbeing.  It’s important for us to support ourselves (and others) with the season but also give grace if we need to slow down, rest and bump up added self care.

The past year may have brought a change in lifestyle, health, family,  social dynamic and more.  We saw a rise in isolation, lack of community and family connection, added stress, health (mental and physical) concerns and a rise in coping strategies.

With the spring season shining her beauty upon us this month, we are given a “fresh start” and clean slate to make change.  The perfect time to  do some “spring cleaning.”  This is not a time to usher in shame, guilt, questioning worth or getting stuck in the muck of limiting beliefs or toxic thoughts.  It’s a time for forgiveness, compassion (for self and others), growth, transformation and healing.

In the fall, much like the trees, we released what no longer serves us.  Slowing for rest and restoration through the winter season.  Now is our time to bloom and rise.  With the rise, it’s beneficial to look at the root- the root cause of things that could be holding us back. Where can change be made?  Where can some spring cleaning be implemented?

The spring season is all about embracing change.  Though change isn’t always comfortable, it’s needed for growth. Spring is also about the liver, our primary filtration system.  A huge part of the body responsible for filtering toxins.  Toxins can come in many forms from the foods we eat, the beverages we consume and the medicines ingested.  Toxins are also in the products we use and in the environment around us.  The liver can become tired and sluggish if it’s not supported and nourished.  With spring being all about supporting the liver, this is a perfect time to “clean house.”

In addition to the liver, the kidneys can be damaged due to too much alcohol, toxic overload and medication use.  Both the liver and kidneys are an important part of the body and deliver a support system for optimal health and wellbeing.

Reflecting over the past year and how you’re feeling presently, do you feel like you’re running with your check engine light on?  Is your detoxification system feeling overloaded?

Spring is giving us grace to evaluate and address proactively what we presently need.  Spring is about planting and weeding out the old.  So, I welcome you to reflect and assess what you feel you need to weed out to plant new seeds.

Start with some small action steps such as movement outside, grounding in nature, nourishing with healthy seasonal foods, getting rest when needed and staying hydrated.  Embrace the joy of the season with creativity and those child-like feels you used to experience during this season.  What brings you joy and excitement?  Get creative, have fun and keep it simple!

With the liver being the ruler over spring, it’s the “root” of life’s ultimate action.  Some healthy foods and herbs to support the liver are beets, dandelion, licorice, milk thistle, broccoli, cabbage, dark greens and garlic.

Movement is another method for supporting your health and naturally detoxifying the body.  With the body wanting to embrace more activity, this is a great time to get outside, play, workout and ground in nature.  Both the body and mind will benefit.

If you’re feeling like you could use some additional support, detoxification and a simple strategic plan with a supportive and fun community, I welcome you to check out my upcoming Roots to Rise Spring Reset.  I’d love to have you join us next month!  To learn more: Roots to Rise Spring Reset

Ladies, there is no better time to Spring Into Sexy!  Y’all ready to Spring with me? Let’s GROW!!!



Seasonal Detox Beet Salad

The Best Winter Foods to Eat for Detox

Best Foods to Eat During the Winter for Detox (Seasonal Foods)

Winter is brutal on your body. You need to take extra care of your body during this season of illness and close quarters.  That includes eating seasonal foods that support and promote detoxification and optimal health. The foods with the highest amount of nutrients will be those seasonal foods that are naturally grown during this time of year.  Your body needs these nutritional heavyweights during the process of detoxification.


Here are the best foods to eat during the winter to detox. They are seasonal, delicious and nutritious, and provide the antioxidants necessary to guard you against free radicals and released toxins.

Collard Greens

These are high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, including magnesium and manganese. They are best steamed or sautéed with some garlic and crushed red pepper.


The sulfur compounds in garlic are responsible for its pungent odor and taste. They also pack a wide variety of health benefits, including antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.


Almonds are high in manganese, magnesium and vitamin E. They are versatile and tasty.  Throw them in a vegetable dish, a casserole, your cereal or a salad.


Cauliflower is beneficial for its anti-cancer properties. It also contains glucosinolates that help activate enzyme detoxification. Cauliflower contains sulfur-containing nutrients and antioxidants that help boost the body’s capacity for detoxification.  Cauliflower mash is a favorite this time of the year.

Pepper, Cumin, Turmeric, Fennel, and Ginger

Talk about a powerhouse!  These spices are essential in the detoxification process. They boast immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties.  When you pair them with detox-enhancing foods, they can get your body’s detoxing engine revving.


Lentils provide the insoluble and soluble fibers that are perfect for stabilizing your blood sugar. They also provide support to the intestines, especially during the detoxification process.


This is one of the truest superfoods with a ton of detox-supporting nutrients. It has anti-oxidant, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties and may even help improve your cardiovascular health.  Massaged kale salad is one of my favorites.  It also helps the texture of this powerful green feel less tough.


Beets are an essential source of phytonutrients known as betalains. They provide detoxification support and anti-inflammatory benefits.  One of my favorite foods this time of the year (and year-round).  I love cooking them in a cast iron skillet with some avocado oil.  The golden ones are my favorite because of their sweetness, but all are wonderful.  They pair well with many salads or just as a side.  Beets pair well with things like arugula, nuts and seeds and goat cheese.


Do not over-peel onions because you might be tossing out their important flavonoids, which act as phytonutrient powerhouses. The flavonoids are actually concentrated right in the outer layer of the flesh. Moreover, these are high in manganese; vitamins C, B9 and B6; and they are an essential source of potassium.

Limes and Lemons

Limes and lemons are loaded with vitamin C. These citrus fruits also contain flavonoid compounds that provide anti-cancer and anti-oxidant benefits.


Cabbage’s antioxidant properties make it a must to eat for winter detox. It is an anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer food that is also a great source of vitamins A and C. The polyphenol content of cabbage is different and will depend on the varieties that you eat. That’s why you need to mix green, red and Savoy varieties.

These seasonal foods are easy to find, easy to prepare, and easy on your detox. They are delicious by themselves or combine them in a soup.


Take your winter comfort food to the next level with some detoxifying powerhouses!


Detoxification is really important through the winter season.  Especially during the holidays when we are exposed to more sugars, caffeine, alcohol, processed foods, stress, less sleep and environmental toxins.  As we go through the holidays and into the New Year, I recommend adding some (or all) of these powerful foods onto your plate.  Get creative in the kitchen and have fun cooking up some new and exciting dishes.

If you’re feeling the need to release the things that are weighing you down, creating a laundry list of symptoms and making you feel like crap, I welcome you to join me and others for a New Year cleanse.  For more information, check out this page: https://kimwilson.me/nourished-new-year/

Do you feel like you need more one-on-one support?  Investing in your health and happiness is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.  Especially as you make changes and set goals for the New Year.  I welcome you to contact me about one-on-one coaching.  Contact Here


Blessings and best wishes for a healthy and happy holiday season!






From Pain and Addiction to Health and Happiness

I recently attended the Take Back Your Health Conference in Northern Virginia and had an opportunity that I had not prepared for.  The guest speaker was sharing her personal experience about how she took back her health.  I found myself reliving my story in my head as she spoke. It’s a story that few knew about until now

After she finished her presentation, she asked the audience if anyone had a similar experience where they took back their health.  I wanted to jump out of my seat and scream, “MEEEE!”  Instead, I looked directly at her and nodded my head.  The Universe must have aligned us because she called on me.  She asked me if I had a story to share.  I said, “Yes, I do!”  As the man with the microphone started to walk towards me, I was overcome with so many emotions and began to shake.  I was finally ready to tell my story.  Not just to my parents and sister or my best friend.  I was ready to tell everyone.  Not only is it part of my healing process, but my passion and desire to help others is much greater than my fear of what people will think or say.

As I was handed the microphone, I felt this overwhelming emotion that brought me tears.  I fought them back while shaking and I started to talk.  I told the audience that I had been a police officer for six years.  Sadly, I was injured in a car accident while responding to a call.  I was hit by another driver.  It was a moment that, at the time, would change my life.

I spoke about the numerous doctors visits.  I spoke about the frustrations because I could not find answers for my chronic pain.  I spoke about the frustrations with the “health care” system.  I spoke about leaving a job I loved because I physically couldn’t do it anymore.  Then….I spoke about my ADDICTION!  When I was on my path to a better life and less pain, I was given all kinds of medications for my symptoms.  I was shot in the back and the neck with steroids, asked how I felt, given opiates.  All I wanted was answers and to live a normal life without constant pain.  A level of pain that haunted every hour and every day.  My pain was followed by more frustration and depression.

Every time I went to the doctor or a specialist, I was asked about my symptoms.  Then I was given another pill.  Not to mention, I wasn’t with the doctor or specialist for long.  I felt like “just another number.”  I was so tired of pills and injections.  I just wanted a normal life.

Unfortunately my injury came at an expense.  My desire to want to feel well led to pain medicine addiction.  Pill after pill!  I didn’t know the affects and consequences of opiates and injections.  Yeah, I knew about drugs (especially being a police officer), but I didn’t KNOW about what they can innocently do.  I signed that little waiver and listened to the doctor’s quick speech, but I never knew it would take me on a path that would change my life.

A lot of opiate addictions begin here.  You have to go into surgery for something minor or you go to the doctor for a mild backache.  Maybe you’re a football player that gets injured on the field. These addictions are happening in our schools, neighborhoods, workplaces and at home!  Drop the stereotype because it’s complete bullshit!  There are too many people suffering silently!

Sadly, it took me hitting a bad place to realize that I had two options.  I was either going to allow the opiate to take me, or I was going to take back my health.  I knew it would be hard, but I wanted my health and happiness.  I wanted my life back!  I wanted it as much as I wanted to breathe.  That’s when I decided that enough was enough.  It had been affecting my health, my family, my relationships and my mind.  I was done!

I went to my doctor and expressed my concerns.  We discussed the commonality of this problem, and I expressed my frustrations with the “health care” system.  As suggested, we cut my dosage back and I began to wean myself off of the drug.  I can honestly say that it was not an easy road, but one I knew I had to go down.  At the same time, I was going to a great physical therapist and began to learn more about functional medicine.  I was intrigued by the holistic and integrative approach.  I knew that coming off of the medicine would mean pain, so I was determined to find a way to heal myself.  I had no other option because I was done being in pain!

While this was going on, I found out that my aunt was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of cancer.  She only had a few months to live.  I remember going through my “hard times” of withdrawl and thinking of her.  She inspired me to find my health and happiness.  She also inspired me to set out on a mission to help others.  I was so depressed when I had to leave law enforcement because of my injury.  I wanted to find a new way to help others…and I did.

Again, the Universe aligned because I had an opportunity to enroll at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.  The year to follow would be one that would change my life forever.  I learned about the importance of good nutrition, bio-individuality, lifestyle change, inflammation and the body, sickness and our society, the difference between traditional and functional medicine and SO much more!  I was my own guinea pig that year, while I discovered what I needed in order to heal.  Not what everyone else was doing or what society says we should do, but what I needed.  I learned that we need to get to the root of health problems and not prescribe a pill for every symptom that leads to other symptoms and more pills.  Not to mention more money.  I also learned that there is another way.

Think of us as a tree.  We are built to stand tall, weather the storm and grow.  When we are sick or full of a disease, we will begin to lose color and our leaves will change.  We may wilt and easily break.  If you see a sick tree, will you spray paint it green or will you correct the problem from the soil, which will navigate up through the roots and allow it to heal?

I wanted to get to the root of the problem and heal.  While studying at IIN, I learned a lot about gut health, inflammation, disease, nutrition and self care.  There were so many things that I was doing wrong and sources that were consuming my body with toxins.  Especially food choices and chemicals.  I was so inflamed and consumed with toxic buildup.  I found a way to heal myself and get back the life I wanted.  I will always have my injury and there will be some level of pain, but I now know how I need to live and the choices that I need to make for better health and happiness.  I honestly never knew I could feel this way without medication.  Now I get a euphoric feeling from my life and not the drugs.  I would much rather be addicted to what I have now.

I discovered the foods and sources that were not serving me well.  I discovered the power of self care and how much it affects our health.  I discovered so many other things that I include in my life.  A life that I am so blessed to have because I made a choice.  I chose to get back my health!  I chose to take back my life!!!

I am sharing this with you because I know too many people who have been affected by this addiction (and other forms).  Whether it’s themselves or friends and family.  I also know how much it’s impacting our society.  Not just the self destruction, but also the gateway it has to the increasing heroin addiction that we are facing today (among other issues in our society).  According to the Center for Disease Control, women’s deaths from prescription painkillers has risen 400% from 1999 to 2010.  This is a problem that is affecting our society in so many ways.

I am not a doctor, and I am not here to offer a healing solution.  I am here to share my story and hope it inspires, helps or motivates someone.  I know the dark road that this problem brings.  I also know that people can paint a pretty picture on social media, but you never know the struggles someone is dealing with.

Please share this with anyone you know who may benefit.  If you are struggling with this or know someone who is dealing with this issue, please know you (or we) are not alone.  Having a good support system is important.  Talk with your doctor and stand up for YOU!  Consider a new way of life and take each day as it comes.

Today, I coach and help others find their own health and happiness.  It may not be from addiction or pain, but it may be something that’s consuming their life and how they feel. Personally, I found a way to eliminate what was breaking me down every day and nurture what would help me find a better path.  Everyone is different, so it’s important to find what works for you individually.

The road to health may not always be an easy one, but it’s definitely worth it!


