Seasonal Detox Beet Salad

The Best Winter Foods to Eat for Detox

Best Foods to Eat During the Winter for Detox (Seasonal Foods)

Winter is brutal on your body. You need to take extra care of your body during this season of illness and close quarters.  That includes eating seasonal foods that support and promote detoxification and optimal health. The foods with the highest amount of nutrients will be those seasonal foods that are naturally grown during this time of year.  Your body needs these nutritional heavyweights during the process of detoxification.


Here are the best foods to eat during the winter to detox. They are seasonal, delicious and nutritious, and provide the antioxidants necessary to guard you against free radicals and released toxins.

Collard Greens

These are high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, including magnesium and manganese. They are best steamed or sautéed with some garlic and crushed red pepper.


The sulfur compounds in garlic are responsible for its pungent odor and taste. They also pack a wide variety of health benefits, including antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.


Almonds are high in manganese, magnesium and vitamin E. They are versatile and tasty.  Throw them in a vegetable dish, a casserole, your cereal or a salad.


Cauliflower is beneficial for its anti-cancer properties. It also contains glucosinolates that help activate enzyme detoxification. Cauliflower contains sulfur-containing nutrients and antioxidants that help boost the body’s capacity for detoxification.  Cauliflower mash is a favorite this time of the year.

Pepper, Cumin, Turmeric, Fennel, and Ginger

Talk about a powerhouse!  These spices are essential in the detoxification process. They boast immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties.  When you pair them with detox-enhancing foods, they can get your body’s detoxing engine revving.


Lentils provide the insoluble and soluble fibers that are perfect for stabilizing your blood sugar. They also provide support to the intestines, especially during the detoxification process.


This is one of the truest superfoods with a ton of detox-supporting nutrients. It has anti-oxidant, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties and may even help improve your cardiovascular health.  Massaged kale salad is one of my favorites.  It also helps the texture of this powerful green feel less tough.


Beets are an essential source of phytonutrients known as betalains. They provide detoxification support and anti-inflammatory benefits.  One of my favorite foods this time of the year (and year-round).  I love cooking them in a cast iron skillet with some avocado oil.  The golden ones are my favorite because of their sweetness, but all are wonderful.  They pair well with many salads or just as a side.  Beets pair well with things like arugula, nuts and seeds and goat cheese.


Do not over-peel onions because you might be tossing out their important flavonoids, which act as phytonutrient powerhouses. The flavonoids are actually concentrated right in the outer layer of the flesh. Moreover, these are high in manganese; vitamins C, B9 and B6; and they are an essential source of potassium.

Limes and Lemons

Limes and lemons are loaded with vitamin C. These citrus fruits also contain flavonoid compounds that provide anti-cancer and anti-oxidant benefits.


Cabbage’s antioxidant properties make it a must to eat for winter detox. It is an anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer food that is also a great source of vitamins A and C. The polyphenol content of cabbage is different and will depend on the varieties that you eat. That’s why you need to mix green, red and Savoy varieties.

These seasonal foods are easy to find, easy to prepare, and easy on your detox. They are delicious by themselves or combine them in a soup.


Take your winter comfort food to the next level with some detoxifying powerhouses!


Detoxification is really important through the winter season.  Especially during the holidays when we are exposed to more sugars, caffeine, alcohol, processed foods, stress, less sleep and environmental toxins.  As we go through the holidays and into the New Year, I recommend adding some (or all) of these powerful foods onto your plate.  Get creative in the kitchen and have fun cooking up some new and exciting dishes.

If you’re feeling the need to release the things that are weighing you down, creating a laundry list of symptoms and making you feel like crap, I welcome you to join me and others for a New Year cleanse.  For more information, check out this page:

Do you feel like you need more one-on-one support?  Investing in your health and happiness is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.  Especially as you make changes and set goals for the New Year.  I welcome you to contact me about one-on-one coaching.  Contact Here


Blessings and best wishes for a healthy and happy holiday season!






Nourished In The New Year

Spring Into Better Health

As the weather begins to warm up and the days become longer, we may feel a shift in our body and mind. It’s very normal this time of year. It’s a time when our body wants to shed and eliminate things that may have been weighing itself down from the winter.

We yearn to feel lighter and refreshed in mind, body, and spirit!

As the seasons change, a cleanse could be very beneficial. Cleansing should occur at least once or twice a year.  It’s suggested that as the seasons change, a good cleanse can better prepare us for the coming season. Just like the temperature, the foods we eat change throughout the year. Going from spring to summer, the body is preparing itself for some of the busiest months of the year.

Traditionally, cultures all around the world have practiced seasonal cleansing in different ways. Springtime is the time to give your liver some extra love too.  The liver is how the body removes toxins.  That is how the liver earns the spot of one of the hardest working organs!

The liver works with many other organs in our body to detox blood, produce bile and break down hormones.  It acts as a storage facility for our vitamins and minerals. If the liver is not functioning properly, it affects many other areas of our body.

Some more important functions of the liver include removing old blood cells, helping the intestines process nutrients and chemical production for blood clotting.  The liver is also responsible for the breakdown and metabolizing of alcohol and consumed medications, and the production of necessary proteins and cholesterol. When people hear ‘liver disease’, they typically think of alcoholism, but that is not the only cause of liver disease or failure.

Some other risk factors associated with liver disease include low potassium levels, drug use, exposure to certain chemicals, obesity, processed foods, viral infections, and autoimmune diseases. 

If your liver is not performing at its best, you may experience gas, bloating or constipation. Other possible symptoms are heartburn, acid reflux, yellowish tint to skin and eyes, high blood pressure, difficulty losing weight, cognitive difficulties, dark urine, poor appetite, and chronic fatigue.

If you want to support your liver, there are certain foods you should focus on.

These foods include beets, carrots, tomatoes, grapefruit, spinach and citrus fruits.  Cabbage, turmeric, walnuts and  avocados are also beneficial.  Apples, Brussels sprouts, garlic, dandelion root, leafy green vegetables. Also, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, green tea, artichoke and olive oil pack many benefits too.  Some examples for alternative grains are quinoa, millet and buckwheat.

There are several food programs, supplements and other programs available to cleanse your liver. It’s important to find the one that is best for you. Consult your doctor if you have any concerns or questions.

Below are some general tips that have worked for me:

  • Hydrate!
  • Eat clean, seasonal, and organic REAL food
  • Exercise regularly or incorporate some type of movement
  • Practice calming techniques like meditation and relaxation
  • Take a good quality probiotic
  • Get the proper amount of sleep
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco products
  • Avoid processed foods and sugar

Adopting a healthier lifestyle or cleansing into the spring season may provide much more energy, improved digestion, healthier and brighter skin, better sleep, reduced stress, and better mental clarity and cognitive functioning; along with a boost to your immune system and more balanced blood sugar levels.

The spring season isn’t just a time for spring cleaning your closet. Especially relevant, it’s important to reflect on things that have been weighing you down or things that may be toxic. Consider different stressors in your life. They play a huge part in your health and body function.

In addition to a spring cleanse, I recommend considering products you may be using, people that are in your life, habits that may need some adjusting, and choices that may or may not be serving you well. Moving forward, listen to your “gut” and give some thought to where small changes could greatly impact your health and happiness.

There is no better time to Spring into Better Health!




To learn more about my Spring Seasonal Cleanse,

click below!

Spring Cleanse

Naturally Cleanse the Immune System

7 Ways to Naturally Cleanse the Immune System

The immune system is designed to work against diseases in your body. It has a resistive power that fights bad bacteria and viruses that can cause illness and sickness. The immune system is designed perfectly, but our negligence towards our health often weakens the system. If it is not properly cared for, it becomes so weak that even small illnesses like the flu or a cough can become severe. The immune system also becomes dirty by fighting too much bacteria. Cleaning is required to make it strong again. There are many ways to clean the immune system and boost its power.

This time of year, the seasons are changing.  We are approaching colder weather, darker days and stress.  The shift in the air often leads to illness, lowered immunity, depression and exhaustion.  Before we know it, the holidays are here.  A time for many to join family and friends, but also a time with added stress and poor nutrition choices.  Boosting and cleansing your immune system, naturally as it’s designed, is a great way to kick off the autumn season on a healthy foot.


Here are some of the ways to do it naturally.

1.  Turmeric

Turmeric is a yellowish spice used in many dishes in Asia. It has proven beneficial in the treatment and prevention of many diseases. Very high in anti-toxicants, turmeric helps in fighting against free radical damage. Some studies have shown that an active ingredient in turmeric, curcumin, supports the action of B cells, T cells, and natural virus killers in the body. This effect provides support to fight against viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Add turmeric to your meals to keep your immune system powerful and clean.

2.  Vitamin D:

Vitamin D is also known as the sunshine vitamin. It helps to keep the immune system clean. Deficiency of Vitamin D results in a weak immune system and health problems. Vitamin D can be directly accessed from the sunlight but sun exposure has its own risks, so vitamin supplements are preferred. They are easily available and can be taken daily with no side effects. Vitamin D3 is preferred over D2.

3.  Beetroot:

Beetroot is a reddish vegetable with a lot of benefits for the immune system. It helps to restore your body’s PH balance with minerals like iron, calcium, zinc, and magnesium. These minerals have very strong detoxifying properties. The high content of pectin and betaine found in beetroot also works as an anti-toxicant against bacteria.

4.  Colloidal silver:

Colloidal silver has a history of cleaning uses. It has been used as a water purifier and to clean wounds and medical equipment. There is concern that colloidal silver is bad for skin and health because it turns the body bluish-gray. This is due to a substance called argyria. But argyria is actually a result of silver abuse and excess consumption. Colloidal silver is best for the purification of an immune system but should be taken in very small doses. “Silver Fuzion” is most recommended.

5.  A mixture of apple and ginger:

The combination of apple and ginger helps to clean the body. The best thing is that it is very easy to prepare and store. Combine eight ounces of organic or freshly pressed apple with one teaspoon of ginger. Mix them with a small amount of husk in it or blend it.

6.  Green tea:

Green tea can cleanse your immune system and make your skin fresh. It is tasty and can be made easily. It has many anti-toxicants that help to flush toxins from your body. In addition, green tea is rich in catechins that improve liver function.

7.  Lemonade Cleanser:

Lemon has natural cleansing properties. Although consuming lemon directly is slightly unpleasant, you can easily make a natural, healthy lemonade. Combine four tablespoons of lemon juice, a half teaspoon of maple syrup, and a half teaspoon of pepper in a ten ounces glass of water. Mix well. Drink it daily and you’ll notice a change in your immune system.


What are some natural ways that you like to boost your immune system and health?  I welcome your comments below.

Please share this post with anyone you know who may benefit.

Wishing you health and happiness,


A Season for Change

If you’re like many people (including myself), the summer season was a busy one. Summer is filled with cookouts, vacations, time with friends and family, longer nights, and creating memories. It may have also included choices that didn’t serve you as well. You may feel like it was a busy time of the year and you’re missing some rest and relaxation. Are you feeling stressed or lacking balance? I know that I’ve been feeling the need for change as I move into the fall months.

The autumn season is one of the best times of the year for cleansing and taking authority in life. When I say “cleansing,” I am not referring to a plant-based, drink-only cleanse. The term cleansing (or detoxification) can refer to many things.

In my own personal life, I have taken a strong look, especially over the past year, at things, choices, and people that are not serving me well. I’ve considered food choices, toxic relationships, negative thoughts, choices I have made, goals I have set, and options for what I want to see in the future. Have you thought about what may or may not be serving you well and helping you thrive?

With the full moon in Aries just passed on October 5, Aries inspires us to strive and thrive despite any struggles we may be experiencing. The energy is about finding independence, trusting yourself as you move forward, and finding power. The energy from the full moon will help us to use our power from a place of heart rather than ego.

This is a great time to reflect on where you’ve been, what changes you want to make, and how you will choose to move forward.

I am a small-town girl and I love so much about the country. When I think of autumn, I often think of the harvest season. I think of planting seeds and new beginnings. Ways that those seeds can be nourished for growth. When you think about moving forward into the autumn season, I encourage you to think about seeds you can plant and how you can help them grow in your own life, whether they pertain to you personally or to others in your life.

As women, it’s very important to take care of ourselves but also to support and lift up those around us.

As your body prepares for a stressful holiday season and colder weather, it’s important to consider ways to nourish your body, ramp up self-love, and practice stress management. Allergies are higher and the immune system can become more susceptible to illness and exhaustion. Seasonal eating helps to not only nourish the body but also give it what it wants as the season transitions.

Pumpkins, squash, sweet potatoes, apples, and pomegranates are all wonderful fall favorites. Not only are they delicious, but they also pack many health benefits, especially when paired with lean meats and healthy fats. Limiting processed foods, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol will help you thrive through the autumn season. Sufficient sleep and personal care will not only benefit your body and mind but also help you as we approach the holidays. One of my favorites is an Epsom salt bath with lavender oil drops. It’s important to figure out what works for your own unique beautiful self.

Toxicity comes in many forms. Consider the foods you are eating, the relationships in your life, stress, environmental factors, and negative thoughts. Look at the level of fulfillment in your career and things you’ve always wanted to do but never tried. This is your time to focus on the positive energy of change. It’s a great time to start fresh, feel empowered, and do what makes you feel healthy and happy.

As the leaves change colors and fall, look at ways you can shed some old and allow for new growth. What changes can you make in your own life to help you thrive?



Negative people

How to Detox Negative People From Your Life

Negative people weigh us down and keep us from achieving greatness, better health and much happiness.

Have you ever felt overwhelmed because of the negativity or negative people that surround you?

In this world, there are negative people that are hard to avoid. These people drain your soul, and leave you feeling like they are constantly sucking the life out of you. I call these people Qi suckers because they can suck you dry and deplete your vital life force, otherwise known as Qi.


  • Are you feeling supported by the people in your life?
  • Do the people in your life add value to your existence?
  • Looking at the people in your life, do you feel they love you unconditionally?
  • Are you accepted for who you are?

If you answered no to any of the above, then you may be surrounded by toxic or negative people.

There are many things in life that are toxic, including food and chemicals; however, there are also negative people who are just as toxic. You must be clear on who lifts you up and who hurts you. Toxic people significantly impede our happiness and contribute to our high-stress levels.  This leads to digestive issues, poor sleep, headaches and weight gain.

If you know you have negative people in your life, it may be best for your health to set clear boundaries for them so you can continue to thrive.


1. Take 5-15 minutes to write down three boundaries you want to set in your life.

2. Now, think of 5 people who are crossing them. There may be more, but I want to be realistic about what we can accomplish during this exercise.

3. How will you know when these boundaries are crossed?  Often, you’ll feel uncomfortable when boundaries are broken, and you get that “gut feeling” that a particular person is not good for you.

4. When these boundaries are crossed, how will you handle it? You deserve to be happy and fulfilled from the people in your life.  If there are people who are not contributing to your happiness, it may be time to let them go or lovingly detach. You do not need to remove this person entirely from your life, but you need to create a healthy distance.

For example, if you want to say no to a party, event or lunch where you know this person will be, you have to make a strong decision to put yourself first. Can you hold onto your sacred space if you attend or do you need to say no? Saying no to something that does not serve you may bring up feelings of guilt, but the more you say yes to your existence and happiness, the more freedom you’ll have when you say NO.  In addiiton, the greater quality of life you’ll experience.

5.  Bring in the Positivity!  Bring in people and relationships who lift you up, encourage you and show positive support.  When you have dreams, plans and goals, these are the people who encourage you to live that kick ass life that you deserve!

“Detachment means to remove one’s mind from all sorts of desires. As the mind is removed from desires, the energy that was being destroyed in running after these desires is saved, and it becomes a flame.”  -Osho Quotes

If you’ve started your own healthy detox or plan to soon, please share below.  Comments and feedback are always welcome.  ?

