detox baths

Boost Your Immune System with Detox Baths

Detox baths are a great way to cleanse the body, eliminate toxins and boost the immune system.

This time of the year, so many people are getting sick and feeling run down.  Yes, the dreary and cold days can contribute to our mood and health, but so do the toxins that we’re holding onto and the ones that we are constantly exposed to.

Our lives are crazy busy, and most of us rush through the day without a thought to alleviating all the damage that is being done to our bodies: By what we eat, the air we breathe, and the stress inflicted upon us.

A detox bath can sweat out those toxins and alleviate their harmful impact. They will boost your immune system too!


The process for a detox bath is really quite simple. Detoxers immerse themselves in a tub filled with very hot water and essential ingredients, some active and some soothing. As you soak, the toxins are pulled to the surface of the skin and then washed away.

The key to a successful detox bath is preparation.  It is very important to properly hydrate before
you begin. The day before you plan to detox, increase your fluid intake (water) and avoid dehydrating ingredients, such as caffeine and alcohol. This will ensure that no damage occurs to your body as the impurities are drained from your body.

Detox baths require very hot water. As hot as your body can tolerate, but please don’t burn yourself.  Warm water or reasonably hot water will just not work. It is essential that the body sweats during the detox process, and that won’t happen if the water is too cool.

To actively draw out toxins, detox baths should to contain at least one strong, active ingredient and several soothing ones. For example, harsh ingredients such as apple cider vinegar or hydrogen peroxide might be offset by essential oils. The ingredients you choose will determine the benefits to your body. Many recipes are available on the Internet. One of my favorites is listed below.

Most recipes call for a soaking of more than 20 minutes. You need to give those impurities time to float to the surface!  I recommend a bath time of 40-60 minutes.  The first 20 minutes gives your body time to remove toxins.  The remaining 20 to 40 minutes allows time for your body to absorb the minerals in the water.

When you have completed the recommended stay in the water, gently wipe off your skin and drink water. Give your body time to recover from the strain of detoxification. That will enhance the benefits and enhance your well-being.  Completing a detox bath will help you feel rejuvenated and healthy.



1 Cup Epsom Salt
1 Cup Baking Soda
10 Drops of Lavender Essential Oil
 *Note:  I also like to use Bentonite Clay (in place of the baking soda).
  1.  Pour your ingredients into hot bath water.
  2. Soak your body for at least 20 minutes (as much as you can, up to your neck).
  3. Once you are done with your bath and have dried off, avoid eating for at least 20 minutes.
  4. Drinks lots of water.

Note:  Skin brushing before taking a bath or shower is very beneficial.  Especially before a detox bath.  If you’re pregnant or have any health concerns, please consult your doctor before performing a detox bath.


If you have any questions about detoxing or a detox bath,  please comment below.  You’re welcome to message me as well.  I enjoy detox baths all year, but they are especially beneficial during the harder, winter months.

Wishing you much health and happiness!



This Smoothie Helped My Belly Bloat

Have you been experiencing belly bloat?  

Feeling like your digestion is making too much noise? Gurgle. Gurgle.

Are those shorts fitting a little tighter around the waist?  

The last few months I have been working a lot and often that leads to a stressed me. This means my digestion can get wonky. I know what you might be thinking – that I’m a health coach, and I have this all figured out – but I am human too. In my practice, I teach people how to listen to their body and what to do when they feel wonky too. It’s so important to listen to your body.  Do you know the signs and symptoms when your body is speaking to you?

For me, I get dry skin and start to have belly bloat.  So many of my clients say they have belly bloat even when they do not eat, something that is actually not uncommon for people with digestive issues.  As I have discussed in previous posts, healthy digestion is SO important!

Stress inflames the intestinal lining and disrupts the good balance of bacteria in the gut.

This is what happened to me. It was time to restore and rebuild on the quick.  QUICK!

Feel like you are passing gas too much?

Feel exhausted for no reason?

Just plain feel like crap?

Time to rebuild and restore your gut health with this smoothie.

Every time I am feeling off, I keep it simple: smoothies, juices, and easy-to-digest soups.  There are so many seasonal fresh fruits and veggies for you to play with and explore in your recipes.  Again, keep it simple!  If you’re thinking, “Soups in the summer?”  Yes ma’am!  I make some seriously delish cold soups in the summer.

When I am feeling this way, I try to drink one of my meals or snacks.  It really helps to give my body a break and get back on track.  Check out this smoothie recipe and try it for yourself.


The Healthy Digestion Smoothie


  • 1/2 cup pineapple
  • 1/4 green apple
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup coconut water (I love fresh, young coconuts if you can find them)
  • 1/2 fresh kiwi
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1 teaspoon fresh ginger
  • 2 ounces of Aloe Vera Juice (An ounce is great at night before bed too)
  • Dash of cinnamon
  • Juice of one lemon

* I also add an additional probiotic to my normal supplement routine (which already has a probiotic in it).  Personally, I notice a big difference when I add the extra.  Again, this is what works for me. it’s important to see what works for you.  If you have any questions about probiotics or supplements, I welcome you to contact me.  


Add all ingredients to a high-speed blender.



This topic and more is covered in my Clean Eating Program.   If you have any questions, please let me know.  I am here to help YOU, Gorgeous!  For more information about the program, click below!  Let’s get our sexy back while getting healthier! XO

Program Details


Learn How to Boost Your Immunity and Reduce Toxins

Detox is vital in this toxic world.  As a health coach, I focus a lot on digestion because I do believe that good digestion leads to a healthy life.  One day, the light went off in my head.  I realized that to have good digestion, you must be detoxing properly.

You see, detox is a natural step toward a better digestion. Good digestion leads to less inflammation, and less inflammation leads to less disease in this world. Let me say it again, decrease the inflammation and prevent disease.

Hippocrates said it best: “All disease begins in the gut.”

If this is true and disease begins in the gut, aka your digestive system, then having a healthy and strong digestion is key.

But let me share a secret with you – when the body is toxic, your digestive system is weak.

So even if you eat “clean” and only buy organic and hormone-free foods, you are still breathing toxicity in this world.

We live, eat and breathe toxicity every day. Look around your home and think of the paint on the walls, the rugs, the pesticides sprayed on your green grass, the exterminator to get rid of the bugs. Even if you are chemical-free in your home, is your makeup chemical free?  Are you cleaning with products that don’t have harsh chemicals or toxins?  What about that deodorant or shampoo you love so much?  Have you checked the labels?

Even if you are doing your best to live a chemical-free life, we are still alive, and that means eating, breathing, and sleeping in a toxic environment.  EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Unless you feel that you are ready to live in a bubble or a hyperbaric chamber, then it is time to wake up to what I call daily detox.

Now detox is not a curse word or anything to be scared about. Instead, it is exciting to think about your body and cells actually functioning. I do not tell people detox has to be living on juices, or water only, or only smoothies or just salad or soup. Detox is about lessening the toxic load in your body. As I say, “taking out the trash.”

When we are toxic, our body cannot perform its job. The body cannot metabolize properly, detox properly, absorb nutrients and minerals, or stay hydrated. It is a vicious cycle. See, detox is necessary to be healthy, happy and free of disease. We all have some low-level inflammation because again we breathe, but even more so we stress in this busy world.

Every time you stress you create acid in your body. Your body is then forced to pull minerals to buffer the acid waste. The liver, lymph and kidneys begin to work hard to filter out the toxic load.

But what happens when the body is tired and clogged? When your digestive system is not working and cannot break down these foods, it cannot focus on getting RID of TOXINS. That means you cannot get rid of bloat and fat and skin breakouts and all that jazz that keeps you tired.



Do you experience any of these symptoms?

  • Difficult weight management
  • Constipation/diarrhea
  • Gas/bloating
  • Headaches
  • Low energy
  • Low sex drive
  • Bad skin
  • Heartburn/reflux
  • Moodiness/depression
  • Get where I am going with all of this?

By detoxing. you will improve digestion and free your body of inflammation and toxins in the process.

The foundation of this detox is NOT to ever feel deprived or starved.

The goal is to help you do what I have learned to do in my own life:

Learn how to EAT CLEAN and learn what foods are IRRITATING your body.

Does this sound like something that could help you?  I welcome you to join me for my Summer Clean Eating Lifestyle Program.

Click below and let’s change your life today.

I’m Ready!

Now that you’ve learned a little more about the benefits of detoxing, how can you start bringing it into your daily life?

Here are a few of my favorite ways to stay healthy and detox naturally:
  1. Upon waking, drink warm or room-temperature water with lemon and 1 tsp raw apple cider vinegar (if tolerated) and add a dash of cinnamon or cayenne.
  2. Start your day by being positive – find that daily affirmation that gets you fired up. I love Louise Hay, Geneen Roth, Gabrielle Bernstein, Brene Brown and Marianne Williamson.
  3. Try getting quiet within yourself.   Even for just for one minute – and say “I release what does not serve me” – place your hand on your heart as you say this out loud. Scream if it you want, own that power.
  4. Drink fresh green juices or make your own green juice with 1 tbsp. chlorophyll and lemon and lime and water.
  5. Aim for one meal that is super easy on your digestion per day like a smoothie, green juice or soup. Give that digestion a rest.  I choose a morning smoothie every day, but see what works for you.  You know your body better than anyone.
  6. Get moving and shaking. Yes, exercise is one of the best ways to detox your body.
  7. Drink plenty of water and add lemon, lime or grapefruit to flush the toxicity.
  8. Skin brushing is my favorite way to support the liver and get rid of those toxins.
  9. Tongue brushing.
  10. Be happy and grateful for life.

I hope this information helped you.  If you have any questions, I welcome you to message me through my contact page.  I would love to help you through my program or one of my coaching options.  Let’s get started and “take out the trash!”

