Negative people

How to Detox Negative People From Your Life

Negative people weigh us down and keep us from achieving greatness, better health and much happiness.

Have you ever felt overwhelmed because of the negativity or negative people that surround you?

In this world, there are negative people that are hard to avoid. These people drain your soul, and leave you feeling like they are constantly sucking the life out of you. I call these people Qi suckers because they can suck you dry and deplete your vital life force, otherwise known as Qi.


  • Are you feeling supported by the people in your life?
  • Do the people in your life add value to your existence?
  • Looking at the people in your life, do you feel they love you unconditionally?
  • Are you accepted for who you are?

If you answered no to any of the above, then you may be surrounded by toxic or negative people.

There are many things in life that are toxic, including food and chemicals; however, there are also negative people who are just as toxic. You must be clear on who lifts you up and who hurts you. Toxic people significantly impede our happiness and contribute to our high-stress levels.  This leads to digestive issues, poor sleep, headaches and weight gain.

If you know you have negative people in your life, it may be best for your health to set clear boundaries for them so you can continue to thrive.


1. Take 5-15 minutes to write down three boundaries you want to set in your life.

2. Now, think of 5 people who are crossing them. There may be more, but I want to be realistic about what we can accomplish during this exercise.

3. How will you know when these boundaries are crossed?  Often, you’ll feel uncomfortable when boundaries are broken, and you get that “gut feeling” that a particular person is not good for you.

4. When these boundaries are crossed, how will you handle it? You deserve to be happy and fulfilled from the people in your life.  If there are people who are not contributing to your happiness, it may be time to let them go or lovingly detach. You do not need to remove this person entirely from your life, but you need to create a healthy distance.

For example, if you want to say no to a party, event or lunch where you know this person will be, you have to make a strong decision to put yourself first. Can you hold onto your sacred space if you attend or do you need to say no? Saying no to something that does not serve you may bring up feelings of guilt, but the more you say yes to your existence and happiness, the more freedom you’ll have when you say NO.  In addiiton, the greater quality of life you’ll experience.

5.  Bring in the Positivity!  Bring in people and relationships who lift you up, encourage you and show positive support.  When you have dreams, plans and goals, these are the people who encourage you to live that kick ass life that you deserve!

“Detachment means to remove one’s mind from all sorts of desires. As the mind is removed from desires, the energy that was being destroyed in running after these desires is saved, and it becomes a flame.”  -Osho Quotes

If you’ve started your own healthy detox or plan to soon, please share below.  Comments and feedback are always welcome.  ?

