Letting Go With Nature’s New Year

The end of this year graces us with its goodbye tomorrow evening and it’s bringing us a time to reflect, set new intentions and let go.   Not only do we have New Year’s quickly approaching, but nature shared her final full moon with us last night.

Last night’s full moon was in Cancer, a strong emotional water sign.  Interestingly, we started 2020 with a full moon in Cancer and that’s how we are ending out this year’s final full moon.

I’m quite familiar with the sign of Cancer as I am one myself.  When we think of this sign, we are reminded of the crab.  This Maryland girls knows a thing or two about crabs, but let’s reflect on the sign for a moment.  As it may be bringing up some energy as we close out this moon and move into a new year.

The crab represents a strong exterior with a soft inner core.  Those with this sign tend to seek comfort and security in their home, space and areas where they can embrace comfort and safety.  The Cancer sign is at the foundation, the core, the roots.  The sides we may not expose to the world. This moon and nature’s gift is reminding us to go within to our deep self, to the root within us.  If there is weight (not just the scale), negative energy, and past experiences or trauma that you’ve been carrying so heavily, this is a time to start releasing, healing, transforming and growing. It’s time to safely put it down and let go.

With the full moon beaming through this emotional and sensitive sign, we may experience a desire to take refuge at home, crate a safe space, snuggle up and get cozy or relax in a warm space.  Rather fitting as it’s the cold winter season and we are in a time where we are home more and in our space.

This intuitive and possibly emotional full moon brings us full circle.  Giving a gift to look inward, reflect and return to ourselves in a new light.  Reminding us that so much of what we need remains within.  The water in this sign is washing over, gifting us the ability to wash away excess.

It’s not recommended to fill your calendar, bombard yourself with a long to-do list or add tasks that may increase stress and anxiety.  

Between this beautiful full moon and New Year’s Eve tomorrow, this is a perfect time to slow down, cozy up and reflect on what you’re ready to let go and make space for new.  I am often reminded of this with the gifts of nature.  Not just the moon, but the seasons and how they give us the gift of transition.

During the fall months, the trees shed their leaves.  Releasing things that no longer serve while making space for new.  Winter is a time where we want to rest more, slow down, sleep, restore and hibernate.  Spring brings rebirth, growth and much beauty.  Yet, we had to release things to make space for this birth and renewal.

What are you ready to release and make space for new as we embrace the gift of nature’s moon and the releasing of 2020?  Where can you release old habits, patterns, toxicity, limiting beliefs and things that no longer serve you?  Where can you slow down, restore and set some mindfulness practices?

(The moon outside of my home last night)

Below are some tips to help support you as we close out this last full moon, 2020 and make space for rebirth and renewal.

Releasing Rituals:

1.  Take Time to Yourself:  Time to release judgments, negative beliefs or internal dialogue.

2.  Journal or Embrace Creativity:  This is a great time to journal thoughts, emotions, reflections.  A time to write down new intentions, things you want to manifest in the New Year and what you’re ready to release.  Not a fan of journaling?  I welcome you to try paining or coloring. Get creative and have fun!

3.  Fire and Water:  Burning rituals are very common around full moons and times of transition.  I welcome you to write down a list of things you’re ready to release from this past year.  When ready, safely using a fire pit, bowl or any other SAFE method, burn your list.  You may want to use the water to fully extinguish the flames and cleanse over the things you are letting go.  During this time, I am also (safety) clearing negative energy in my space with sage and palo Santo.

4.  Hot Epsom Salt Bath: Epsom salt baths are wonderful for the body and mind.  I personally prefer a hot (safe temps) bath with epsom salt and apple cider vinegar.  It helps pull toxins and restore the body.  To learn more: Boost Your Immune System with Detox Baths

5.  Grounding: Depending on where you live, this may look a little different.  I love to ground barefoot outside in nature.  Soaking up energy from the ground, whether it’s dirt, sand or the ocean’s water.  You can ground with the above bath mentioned and use grounding essential oils.

6.  Meditation: Meditation and yoga are staples in my holistic toolbox.  They are both great for slowing down, working on breath and stillness, calming the mind, improving psychological balance and help facilitate healing and overall wellbeing.  If you’re new to mediation, I welcome you to try guided meditations.  This is currently one of my favorites and one I’ve been sharing with clients: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTYITNfKlRc&feature=youtu.be

7.  Nourishing Foods: Since we are home more, we have seen that this year has given us time to cook more, get creative in the kitchen and embrace togetherness.  This is a great time to cook up some nourishing, hearty meals.  This is one of my favorites at the moment and it pairs well with different protein sources. Link: Harvest Apple, Sweet Potato and Brussels Skillet

8.  Feel the Feelings (In a safe space): This time may dig up some old wounds, deep emotions and mental weight. We’ve seen a lot of self medicating and numbing through this year.  I welcome you to reflect on healthier habits.  Feel like crying?  Great! It’s cleansing, releasing and healing.  Opt for added self care, nourishing foods, rest and sleep.  Stay hydrated, move and get out in nature to revitalize the body and mind.  Feeling is healing.  This time is bringing things to the surface to feel, heal and release.

9.  Make Space: This is a great time to release things that we do not need anymore.  Though it’s a time to slow and limit the “to-do” list, this is also a good time to gradually purge- clothes, unnecessary items, toxic behaviors, unhealthy relationships and anything else that does not serve you.  Time to bless and release.  Make that space for the new.  Cancer seeks love, fulfillment and safety at home.  This is a great time to create a healthy home environment, embrace the coziness of home and create space with things you love.

10.  Gratitude and Love:  We’ve all experienced hardships, stress, traumas and anxiety this year.  As we close out this year, go within.  Embracing gratitude, joy and love- for yourself and others.  This emotional time is gifting us many blessings. It’s important to lean on the positive things we have learned and experienced this year.  Leading into 2021 not with anxiety and uncertainty but curiosity, excitement, love and gratitude.

I welcome you to try some of these full moon and New Year exercises or embrace ones that you’ve discovered work for you.  It’s time for us to drop what’s no longer serving us (past and present), while making space for new.  It’s a time for renewal, rebirth, restoration, transformation and growth.

Do you feel like you’re ready for a transformation experience of your own?  I welcome you to check out my Women’s Transformation Academy launching in January! https://kimwilson.me/nourished-academy/

From my home to yours, may you have a beautiful transition during this time.  best wishes for a New Year filled with health, happiness, joy, gratitude and an abundance of blessings.



Summer Heirloom Tomato and Fruit Salad

When it comes to summer foods, simple salads and summer produce dishes are often the option of choice for cookouts, picnics and delicious meal options.  With the summer markets and gardens offering a bounty this time of the year, it’s pretty easy to find salad options.  When it comes to this simple dish, I invite you to get creative with different flavors and textures.

This recipe can be created as written or you can choose to opt out ingredients for others.  With summer slowing down, I am finding an abundance of fresh produce that needs to be used or canned.  Therefore I loaded this goodie up with things I had from the market and garden.  Fresh herbs can be altered and include basil, mint or dill. Not only do herbs provide an additional flavor and garnish but they also help with detoxification.

Heirloom tomatoes are one of my favorites to grow in the garden.  Though I do love all fresh off the vine tomatoes, I’ve really grown to love the heirloom variety.  This year in the garden, I am growing black prince, green zebra and persimmons (which have been called a tree fruit).  These tomatoes have an added health benefit in that they contain lycopene.  One of the most powerful natural antioxidants.  These tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C, which helps to nourish different parts of the body and has been linked to stress reduction.

Watermelons are another staple often found in the garden and at markets during the summer season.  This juicy and tasty fruit helps to keep us hydrated during the hot summer months.  Watermelon has been linked to reduced inflammation, heart health and weight loss.

The combination of these two beauties are not only gorgeous but also healthy and delicious.  I often top my dishes with goat or sheet cheese, which is easier on the digestion at times.  You can play with different dressing ideas like oil and fresh squeeze lemon, balsamic glaze or dressing or you can make your own like the simple recipe below.  You can add additional toppings like avocado, nuts and seeds too!

Have fun with summer produce this season.  There are so many fun and delicious combinations to experiment with.

Summer Heirloom Tomato and fruit Salad


  • 4 heirloom tomatoes, cut into wedges or bite sized pieces
  • 4 cups watermelon, cubed
  • 2 peaches, nectarines or plums (you can add all if you like)
  • 2 ounces of goat cheese, shredded
  • 1/4 red onion, thinly sliced
  • small handful of mint leaves
  • small handful of Microgreens https://www.marylandmicrogreens.com
  • Optional: Bed of arugula or spinach 

To Prepare the Salad:

1. In a bowl or serving platter, place greens as a base.
2. Mix the microgreens (if using) with the salad greens or reserve for topping
3. Top the greens  with tomatoes, fruit and then goat cheese.
5. Sprinkle nuts, if using and serve with dressing.

Dressing Directions:

In a mason jar with lid or mixing bowl, mix oil with a gradual drip of balsamic to taste.  Depending on the desired sweetness.  Add the honey for desired texture and taste.  If using, finish with salt and pepper.  Shake or stir to combine ingredients before serving with the salad.


P.S. if this salad sounds appealing to your palate, I welcome you to check out this summer beet salad. Summer Peachy Beet Salad





A Busy Gal’s Guide to Finding Zen

Finding Zen when life feels like a hustle is one way you can implement self care and love.  Ladies, do you feel like you’re constantly running a race with limited time to think?  Constantly tending to everyone and everything else while just trying to breathe.

We live in a world that seems overrun by chaos.  Constantly facing personal and social challenges on a daily basis. Nearly everyone is affected by this at some point and everyone experiences it differently. However, we are all also wired to fight back against these conditions.  Living up to our full potential with love and healing. But this wiring gets shortened due to physical, psychological, emotional and even social factors. As a result, you might feel overwhelmed and ultimately think that you are not capable of handling all the pressure without breaking down.  Carrying around added stress and being in a state of “fight or flight” isn’t good for the body or mind.

It’s times like these when you feel restless and uncertain.  During such times, staying centered and finding your Zen and core integrity is essential. It is important during these circumstances of confusion to learn to fight back in a healthy way.   Using intuition and consistency, building a soulful connection capable of overcoming powerful fears and helping clarity prevail. It is also important to keep your nervous system and your inner self aligned so that anger, fear and other negative feelings don’t build up.  Resulting to burying the natural love every one of us was born with.

Do you struggle to find peace and zen when your life feels chaotic and stressful?  Below are some tips that may help.

Ways to Find Your Zen in a Busy World

  1. Feel:  Be aware of your feelings, but don’t let the chaos become your reality. Rather, let everything exist the way it is while trying to bring it back to normal.  Using the inner light that helps you stay aware and connected to your own inner reality.
  2. Rise early: Rise early and start your day sooner. It allows you some free time to collect yourself, plan the day ahead and stay connected to your inner self. You can use this time for deep breathing, prayer, yoga, meditation, gratitude or any other method that you feel calms your soul.
  3. Practice deep breathing: Deep breathing balances your nervous system and is transformative in an amazing way. Inhale slowly, pause, and hold your breath for a beat. Then exhale slowly and controlled, with another pause before your next inhale. This breathing exercise will bring energy and love to every cell in your body.  It really helps to relax the body and mind and slow it down.
  4. Take a relaxing shower or bath: Massage your body with almond oil and take a short rest. Then indulge in a hot shower and feel your body relax. You will feel refreshed and your senses revitalized the second you step out of the shower. This practice will prepare you to effectively handle the stress of daily life.  A bath is wonderful at the end of the day.  Personally, I enjoy a hot bath with epsom salt and lavender oil.  It’s a great opportunity to relax the body and mind.  Epsom salt will help to cleanse the body as well.  To learn more about detox baths, click here: https://kimwilson.me/boost-immune-system-detox-baths/
  5. Take genuine, mindful breaths: If at any time of the day you feel you are losing control over yourself, take a short break and practice slow, mindful breathing for a few minutes. At least take five authentic breaths to reclaim your Zen and feel revitalized again before returning to your routine.
  6. Be kind to yourself: Feeling ashamed or guilty of past actions can really bring down your morale and make you feel low. Forgiving yourself, on the other hand, can promote good and positive vibes. Try to forgive yourself more often to feel loved and uplifted.  Choices and change are things we have control over on a daily basis.  Consider how you’re speaking to yourself and the limiting beliefs that flow through your mind.  Practicing self love, care and positive vibes daily will help when those toxic thoughts come up.
  7. Positive words: What we say has a profound impact on our feelings and the people around us. Affirming and positive words promote good mutual feelings and surround you with the positive energy. Reclaim your love and energy by using positive words.  Practicing joy and gratitude daily will help with this exercise.  Starting your day with such activities can make a healthy shift for your day ahead.

Incorporating these tips and steps into your life can help you live a happier and more peaceful life in the midst of all the chaos in the world around you.

Consider adding in some of these tips and see how things shift in your world.  See what works for you and adjust accordingly.  We are all uniquely different, so experimenting is great for self-discovery.

I welcome you to share some tips that work for you.  I also welcome you to share this list with others.  You never know who you may help, impact and inspire.  So many people are running the race of life.  Slowing down and adding these things are small changes that will bring about large results.

Looking for some additional tips to live the nourished life?  I welcome you to check out my recent article published through Sass Magazine.  Girl’s Guide to Living the Nourished Life



Summer Focus: Nourishing the Heart and Small Intestine

During the Summer Season, we focus on nourishing the heart and small intestine.  In Traditional Chinese Medicine, when we talk about organs, we’re not just talking about the actual organs in the body, but also the energy meridians associated with them.



The heart is physically responsible for pumping blood throughout your body.  Energetically, the heart houses the Shen, or spirit. The Shen is said to encompass consciousness, emotions, mental acuity and thought, as well as the ability to process incoming sensory information.

Joy is the emotion associated with the heart. While joy nourishes the heart, an excess, i.e. mania, is a symptom of an imbalance in this system.

The heart represents the very act of being alive –

  • from the physical heart beating in our chest
  • to the flow of blood through our veins
  • to our mental ability to stay present and focused
  • to our emotional selves feeling whole and complete

It is the energy of summertime – abundant, hot and alive.

When your heart is struggling physically, circulation is poor, your cells don’t receive the oxygenated blood they need one and they can’t efficiently excrete wastes. Energetically, an imbalanced heart expresses as feeling “off” and a bit out of sorts. 



The small intestine is responsible for most chemical digestion of food and nearly all the absorption of nutrients.  Once nutrients are absorbed, they are delivered to your organs through the bloodstream… which links us back to the heart!

Comprised of three separate parts, the duodenum, the jejunum and the ileum, the small intestine measures upwards of six to seven meters long and it has a surface area of over 200 meters.

Like the heart, in the Traditional Chinese Medical, the small intestine is much more than just its physical traits.

The small intestine

  • receives
  • transforms and
  • separates solids and fluids

Nutrients get dispersed throughout the body and while impurities are flushed into the large intestine for excretion.

Cold is a problem for the small intestine meridian.  Ice cold foods can trigger pain around the navel, watery diarrhea or loose stools, frequent clear urination and loud gurgling sounds in the abdomen.

Just as the small intestine receives, transforms and separates foods, it is also said to separate clear thoughts from the rocky ones. Where the heart houses facets of the mind and oversees our mental health, the small intestine governs clarity and judgement.



Our aim this summer  is to reduce the burden on the heart and small intestine, reconnect with the wisdom of our body and restore our natural vitality so we glow from the inside out!

Physically, vibrant, colorful, hydrating, antioxidant and fiber rich summer foods are good for the heart and small intestine.  Any of the detox techniques like dry brushing, detox baths, sauna, oil pulling, castor oil packs, etc are supportive for the physical health of these organs and the health of your skin!  I welcome you to check out the links below and learn more about the tools I use for improved health.


How To Use a Castor Oil Pack to Slim Down

Healthy Habits: Let’s Talk About Oil Pulling

Boost Your Immune System with Detox Baths

Energetically, try these things this season:

Experience Joy.

  • Celebrate and embrace the things you love in the world – people, places and thoughts
  • Connect — Reach out to friends and family, forge new relationships and strengthen existing ones.

The Blessings of Beauty.

  • Take time to appreciate the beauty of your natural surroundings
  • Explore music, poetry, art and dance
  • Soak up many of life’s “little moments”

Experiment With a New Ritual.

  • Write down five things you are grateful for each night
  • Incorporate gentle exercise during each morning
  • Practice 10 minutes of sitting meditation each day
  • Enjoy regular time in nature or in your choice of sanctuary

With the summer season, there are many benefits of eating nourishing summer foods. Some of my favorites are tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini and squash, berries, watermelon and peaches.

Here are some of my favorite recipes to try:


Chicken with Zoodles, Tomato and Feta


If you find some of these tips helpful or try any of the yummy recipes, I welcome your comments below.  You’re welcome to message me too!

P.S.  If you’re feeling like you could use a reset this summer or want to feel better while preparing to send the kiddos back to school, I welcome you to contact me (link above in menu) or check out my Sexy Summer Slim Down

Keep Living Your Most Nourished Life, Friends!





Top 5 Tips to Kick Sugar Addiction

Holidays are a great time to gather with family and friends, create memories and celebrate.  They are also a time when sugar and less nourishing foods fill the table.

Since the holiday weekend, I’ve heard from clients and friends how they are struggling with cravings, especially sugar.  Did you indulge in sweets and yummy treats over the weekend?  You’re definitely not alone.  Cutting back from sugar and resisting cravings can be challenging but there are some ways to do so successfully.

Below are my top tips for kicking sugar cravings and bouncing back to healthier habits with ease.

Top 5 Tips to Kick Sugar Addiction

  1.  Consume Gut-Healthy Foods:  Sweets and less nourishing foods can be hard on our gut.  Loving our gut is so important for optimal health and disease prevention.  Adding in foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, fermented foods and drinks like kombucha and kefir can provide many benefits.  Not only will they nourish the gut, but they also decrease sugar cravings.  Add apple cider vinegar to homemade salad dressings to help reduce sugar cravings.
  2. Fill Up on Fiber: Fiber not only helps you feel full but it also helps to to detoxify the body.  Something our body naturally wants to do during the spring season.  Some recommended foods are avocados, Brussels, artichokes, figs, quinoa, coconut and berries.
  3. Don’t Skimp on Fat:  When we hear the word fat, we often think negative thoughts.  Healthy fat is so good for you and provides so many health benefits.  It’s better to burn fat for energy than relying on sweets and caffeine for energy.  Not only will consuming healthy fat provide more energy, but it will also help kick sugar cravings.  Some recommended healthy fats are avocados, coconut oil, avocado oil and nuts.
  4. Don’t Forget the Protein: Protein is important and should be incorporated in your meals.  Not only does healthy protein provide many benefits, but it helps balance blood sugar and reduces sugar cravings.  Some preferred protein sources are grass fed beef and bison, wild caught salmon, organic chicken, adzuki beans, kefir, pasture raised (humane certified preferred) eggs and lentils.
  5. Healthier Swaps:  If you’re craving sugar, there are healthier alternatives to feed the cravings.  I love snacking on goji and mulberries.  When making drinks or meals, swap out sugar and substitute it with local raw honey.  Pure maple syrup is another great alternative.  Grapes and baby carrots are a sweeter treat when you’re trying to eat healthier and fight off the cravings.  Coconut sugar is a great substitute for meals and treats.  I love snacking on dates and use them for many of my healthy treats.
RECIPE: Try this healthy treat recipe if you’re desiring something sweet and satisfying: CACAO DATE BLISS BALLS

Fighting off sugar cravings can be challenging but adding in these tips and being aware of your mindset can really help.  Have you implemented tips that you’ve found work for you?  I would love to hear and welcome your comment below.

PS… Feeling like you need a reset this Spring Season?  Join me and other ladies as we Spring Into Sexy!  Will you be joining us?  For more information: https://kimwilson.me/spring-reset/


Have a SWEET day, Friends! 

