Setting Intentions

Setting Intentions: 5 Tips to Create a Positive Change

Setting intentions can have a powerful impact on our lives.  As we begin a new month, we are given the opportunity for a new mindset, new results, a fresh start and new intentions.

Intentions are things that we plan to do or achieve.  They help us create our own reality and guide us towards who we want to be and what we desire to do.  Even though they are similar, intentions are different from goals.  When you set a goal, a plan and destination is established.  This usually creates a timeline, expectations and steps to achieve that goal.  When setting intentions, it’s similar to a goal but you don’t have a plan or course of action.  There isn’t pressure to achieve that destination.  You’re creating an intention for what you want and leave the rest up to the universe.  It’s about the journey, not about the destination.

Declare exactly what you want because the universe responds to clarity. 

Intentions are a wonderful way to help you stay focused and committed to what matters.  Using your intentions for motivation will help the most when you’re feeling down and unmotivated.  As we grow and change, our intentions may do the same.  There are several things to consider when creating intentions.



As you evaluate your current situation, it’s important to settle into a place of non-judgement and unconditional love.  Think about your life at this moment.  Are you satisfied with your career and relationships?  Think about how you may feel if things were different.  Are you feeling a desire towards change in other areas of your life?  Write down your thoughts about your health, happiness, relationships, spirituality, career and self love.  Do you see areas where change or improvement may help?

2.  be clear with what you want  

As I mentioned before, the universe responds to clarity.  Focus on setting intentions that are easy to understand.  Avoid things that may be confusing, vague or have different meanings.  For example, steer away from things like, “I want a more fulfilling life.”  That can mean a lot of things.  What does a fulfilling life mean to you?  What does it look like?  Practicing visualization techniques or creating a vision board may help bring clarity.

3. Practice gratitude

Gratitude is an amazing, incredible force.  One that can expand our happiness, create better relationships and enhance our health.  What are you grateful for?  Are you practicing gratitude on a daily basis?

Finding meaning and joy in our own lives can help with great inner transformation.  There are many ways to practice gratitude.  When you wake up in the morning, write down three people that you will kindly reach out to that day.  Before you go to bed, make a list of things you’re grateful for.  Writing thank you cards and hand written notes to others is another way to express gratitude.  Not only will these selfless acts inspire and warm others, it will contribute to your own health and happiness as well.  Who knows, you may have some new discoveries and intentions along the way.

4.  declare your intentions out loud

Whether you say them to a friend, your loved one or yourself, voicing your intentions out loud will help you fulfill them.  Stretch your imagination and take note of your feelings during and after expression.  As the words and ideas come together, an amazing energy will be formed.

5.  leave the details up to the universe

Have you ever wanted something before and found yourself disappointed or unhappy because it didn’t happen or you didn’t get it?  Only to later discover that something more amazing crossed your path.  This has happened to me many times and I’ve found the experience to be pretty incredible.

Sometimes we put so much energy and control into things that we want to go a certain way.  Things that may not be the best thing for us or that may keep us from experiencing something even greater.  When you set your intentions, have faith that incredible things will happen.  If you’re feeling a lack of spirituality and faith, nurture this area.  It will help bring positive energy and confidence that things will work out as they are supposed to.  The universe has an incredible way of making things happen.  Especially when you declare good intentions.


do you set intentions in your own life?  i welcome any comments or feedback below.  writing down intentions can be very powerful.  for a copy of my free “intentions sheet,” click on the link below.

Free Sheet

“Intentions compressed into words enfold magical power.”
~Deepak Chopra