Slow Down the Aging Process Naturally

As we begin to transition into spring and release things that are weighing us down while making space for new, it’s a great time to begin incorporating healthier habits and routines.  One of these may be a healthy beauty routine.  As I reflect on my teen years and my 20’s and 30’s, I think about all of the creams, ointments, serums and expensive masks that I thought would do the trick.

For starters, I had no idea how much nutrition, lifestyle, rest and hydration played a part in skin, complexion and more.  Not to mention the large amounts of toxins and chemicals I probably exposed my skin and body to.

When it comes to your skin, beauty and health, natural products are one of the best healers available to you. Be mindful of the term natural though.  Especially when purchasing products (food, cleaning products, personal care and cosmetics, etc).  When I say natural, I mean from the true source.


Natural products can boost your immunity, increase your energy levels and even protect against the visible signs of aging. In fact, most natural products are far more effective at giving you more beautiful, younger looking skin than any over the counter treatment.  Especially when paired with rest, hydration, personal care and a clean nutrition plan that supports your own beautiful body.

Below I’ll be sharing six of my favorite natural anti-aging solutions.


Avocado is a powerful natural healer for your skin when applied topically. The healthy fats in avocado nourish and moisturize your skin while the vitamin E repairs any skin damage and reduces the visible signs of aging.

To start enjoying the anti-aging benefits of avocado, simply mash up a small, ripe avocado and apply it to your face. Leave it on your face for at least 15 minutes before removing, so that it fully nourishes your skin and gives you the maximum anti-aging benefit.


Bananas are packed full of vitamin C which helps to keep your skin elastic and free from wrinkles. They’re also rich in manganese – a mineral that’s been proven to protect against skin damage and rashes.

You can use bananas topically to give your skin a more youthful appearance in the exact same way as avocados. Just take a small, ripe banana, mash it up with a fork and spread it on your face. Keep the mashed banana on your face for a minimum of 15 minutes, so that all the nutrients and moisture can absorb into your skin.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the most effective natural moisturizers you can find. It’s also filled with antioxidants which protect your skin from harmful free radicals and it’s been shown to fight inflammation.   In addition, coconut oil contains active components which repair damaged skin and help you look younger.

To start getting more youthful looking skin with coconut oil, simply rub a small amount onto your face and neck. Your skin will instantly feel smoother and more hydrated after using the coconut oil and over time you’ll find that fine lines, wrinkles and blemishes fade away.  If you’re a fan of oils, I like to combine essential oils such as lavender, frankincense, rose, yang yang and citrus blends.  Everyone responds to oils differently, so it’s important to test a small area and use the coconut (or other carrier oil) as a blend.

Coconut oil is also great for adding moisture to your feet, hair and nails.  It’s great to apply to the bottom of your feet and heels after a warm relaxing or detox bath. Detox Baths: Boost Your Immune System with Detox Baths

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil is another potent natural moisturizer. I discovered this even more so while on a trip to Greece last year.  The secret to extra virgin olive oil’s anti-aging prowess lies in its high vitamin E content. This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant that protects your skin against the visible signs of aging and keep it looking youthful.

To use extra virgin olive oil as an anti-aging solution, simply rub a small amount into your skin. For the best results, use extra virgin olive oil just before bed, so that it can deeply moisturize your skin overnight.


I love honey for so many reasons!  Especially raw local honey.  It’s a great deep cleanser for your skin. It’s loaded with anti-bacterial ingredients which remove bacteria and dead skin cells and allow fresh, younger looking skin cells to grow.

Unlike the other solutions on this list, honey is best used as a simple anti-aging face-mask. Grab a tablespoon of honey, smear it over your face and leave it for at least 20 minutes. Then rinse off the honey and wash your face for instantly fresher skin.


Pumpkin offers many benefits when consumed internally or used topically.  It’s packed with antioxidant vitamins to boost softer and smoother skin and it has been shown to boost collagen production.  Something many of us desire as we age.

Pumpkin can be used topically on the face and neck or combined with other ingredients, such as honey.  A little goes a long way, so a tablespoon or two will do.


Try this amazing Age Defying Smoothie Bowl Recipe for ageless beauty:

  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1/2 cup frozen cherries
  • 1/2 cup almond milk (or dairy free milk of choice)
  • 1/2 fresh banana cut into coins
  • fresh raspberries
  • fresh cranberries
  • 1 tablespoon shell-less pumpkin seeds
  • 1 tablespoon coconut flakes
  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds
  • 1/4 cup pomegranate seeds
  • 1 tablespoon hemp seeds

Take your banana, frozen cherries, and almond milk and blend it into liquid mixture. This is going to be the base of your smoothie bowl. You can place your banana slices to the side or simply drop them into the bowl. Put your fresh fruit into the bowl, then sprinkle the seeds and coconut flakes all over the entire bowl, and you will have a beautifully colored smoothie bowl that will keep your skin looking youthful and healthy!

Do you have some anti-aging tips of your own?  I would love to hear!  I welcome you to comment below.



Toxic Beauty

The Toxic Truth Behind Beauty Products

Let’s talk about a dirty topic- toxic beauty and personal care products!

With spring in full swing and our bodies naturally wanting to cleanse, it’s important to consider potential toxic exposure.

Chemicals and toxins are not only in the food we eat and the air we breathe, but they are also present in our personal beauty products.  Examples of, but not limited to, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste, mouthwash, and makeup!  The FDA not only poorly regulates our food industry, but does the same with our cosmetic and personal care products.

According to the Environmental Working Group, “Nearly 90 percent of the 10,500 ingredients the FDA has determined are used in personal care products have not been evaluated for safety by the CIR, the FDA or any other publicly accountable institution.”

Every day, we’re exposed to a ridiculous amount of toxins and chemicals.  Many absorb through our largest organ, our skin.

Our bodies rely on healthy skin for both physical and emotional survival.  Our skin is a waste remover (ridding toxicity), protective barrier, protector from injury, pleasure receptor, natural anti-bacterial and Vitamin D manufacturer.  In addition, our skin is a large diagnostic tool.  Our skin can show potential disease and early warning signs for illness.  Needless to say, our skin is very important in life and we need to take the best care of it.

Using makeup that contains chemicals and toxins is not good for our skin. The toxic ingredients of makeup and personal care items cause a variety of ailments. They disrupt the endocrine system and may have been linked to certain cancers.  Chemicals found in synthetic beauty products injure liver cells, irritate and penetrate the skin and are many times carcinogenic.

When switching to non-toxic products, keep it simple!   Throw out any old products and switch to non-toxic ones. Chemicals and toxic ingredients like parabens are added to makeup to keep mold and bacteria from growing on the packaging. However, these toxic ingredients lead to  disruption in the endocrine system and cause several illnesses.  Other ingredients to watch out for are Phthalates, Synthetic Colors, Triclosan, Toluene and Propylene glycol.  

A common ingredient in many products is Fragrance.  This ingredient is common in perfume, cologne, body wash, conditioner, shampoo and many moisturizers.  Formaldehyde is another popular ingredient that’s linked to skin irritants and harm to the immune system.  In addition to many of the products listed above, it’s found in cleansers, eye shadows and nail polish.

Sunscreen products contain harsh, harmful ingredients.  

The chemicals in sunscreen products function as a sunscreen agent.  These chemicals are easily absorbed into the skin and are linked to disruption in the endocrine system.  Some common names are BAPA, benzophenone, avobenzone, ethoxycinnmate and homosalate.  According to the EWG, of the 1,400+ sunscreens tested, only 5% met their safety standards and over 40% were listed as potentially contributing to skin cancer.  Spray sunscreens may be convenient and easy to apply, but they may also provide additional dangers.

To make sure that you are using toxic-free makeup and personal care products, read the labels carefully. Choose products that contain natural and safer ingredients.  Find products that you trust and feel safe using.  Education and research is key!  Just because you’re spending a ton of money on a product, it doesn’t mean that’s a good quality product.  Check out websites such as EWG’s Skin Deep and GoodGuide

In addition, create a list of all the personal care products you use. As you use up products, start replacing the toxic ones with natural products. Make sure to scan through everything – face lotion, night cream, face foundation, lipstick, face powder. Choosing the right toxic-free makeup can help ensure you and your skin are as healthy as possible.

Research or avoid cosmetic brands because a good percentage of cosmetic brands contain harmful substances. Remember that your skin is the largest organ of your body and very sensitive. Make sure to double-check makeup and cosmetics before buying and applying something on your body.

It is also very important to avoid trusting a brand.  There are many instances where the labels or name brand are the result of clever marketing. Just because you invest in products promoted and advertised well, doesn’t mean that they are good for you.

When it comes to your makeup and other products, it’s very important to make a wise decision. Choosing now to switch to non-toxic personal care products is one of the first big steps to better health.  It’s impossible to completely eliminate toxicity in our day-to-day life, but you can make simple changes for better health today!  Educate yourself, consider possible toxic exposures and drink filtered water.  Avoid foods with additives, chemicals, hormones and antibiotics.  Shopping organic when possible will impact your health a great deal too!

I like to make many of my own products using ingredients like organic coconut oil, organic coffee, organic lemon, essential oils, filtered water and so forth.  Consider what you can switch out and make yourself.

I would love to hear your feedback!  Have you discovered ingredients lurking in your products that you didn’t know were there?  Have you started making adjustments towards improving your own health?

Happy Spring Cleaning!

