
The information on this site (or website) is owned by Farm Girl Fuel, LLC.  When using this site, you agree to be bound to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and any other terms or conditions that may apply.

The content and material on this site (www.KimWilson.me) is for informational and educational purposes only.  It’s not a substitute for professional medical advice, treatment or diagnosis.  Always seek the advice of your personal physician or another health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or concern, and before taking any diet program, dietary supplement, exercise or other health program.  Farm Girl Fuel, LLC is not responsible for any adverse effects, consequences or outcomes resulting from your use of or reliance on any information contained on this site.

Any additional emails, connections or blog posts received as a result of subscribing to this website’s email list are informative and educational.  These resources provide information for living a healthier lifestyle, but they are not a substitute for working with a licensed health care provider.  The owners of this website cannot guarantee a certain outcome or result.  Following any recommendations or advice are at your own risk and you hold responsibility for your actions and decisions.

Other topics such as (but not limited to) relationships, career, environment and spirituality may be discussed.  These areas and topics are for informational purposes only.  The information provided is not to diagnose or treat anyone.  It’s the reader’s responsibility to seek the assistance of a licensed healthcare worker or emergency personnel if they feel like they need additional help.

This website may contain links to third party service offerings, programs and educational resources.  Farm Girl Fuel, LLC may be compensated for referrals pertaining to these offerings, resources and programs.  These additional parties have their own terms and policies.  Farm Girl Fuel, LLC is not responsible for these companies.  Please contact them individually for additional questions or concerns.


Your information may be obtained when you fill out a form or survey, register on our site, subscribe to our email and newsletter or place an order.  Your personal information may be requested, but you may also visit our site anonymously.

Your personal information may be used to process transactions, send periodic emails and make contact.  If at any time you would like to terminate your subscription to the website and email contacts, you may do so.  We do not sell, exchange, trade or share your information.  For additional assistance or questions, please contact Kim@KimWilson.me.

Terms of Use:

The materials on this website are protected by applicable copyright and trade mark laws.  By using this website, you agree to be bound to the Terms and Conditions of Use and our Privacy Policy.  All website disclaimers and laws are applicable as well.  Please seek additional resources for your current local laws about compliance.  If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of this website, you are prohibited from using and accessing this site and its contents.

Downloads, e-books and other materials may hold a copyright of the site’s owners.  You may not remove, alter or mirror any of these contents provided.  You are welcome to share information provided as long as the owner’s information is included and alterations are not made.

Adjustments, modifications and changes may be made to these terms at any time.  Farm Girl Fuel, LLC will provide the date for which the last changes were made.  These changes were last adjusted in 2019.  If you have any questions about the terms, conditions, privacy or information above, please contact Kim@kimwilson.me.