What Does A Health Coach Eat?



As a health coach, I am often asked what I eat.  Especially when it comes to breakfast.  My breakfast menu is pretty simple, but I like to switch things up from time to time.  I usually have eggs paired with some kind of carbohydrate.  I love oatmeal and teff with simple and healthy toppings.  My oatmeal is usually topped with organic berries, cinnamon and chia seeds.  Talk about a bowl full of health benefits!

I often make omelets in the morning.  They are quick, easy and packed with nutritious goodies.  I love adding a ton of color to my plate.  I like to use spinach, which is such a powerful food with so many benefits.  My omelets are usually packed with spinach, peppers and onions.  There are so many healthy veggies that can be added.  I do not drink regular milk, so when mixing up my eggs, I prefer to use almond milk instead.

Eggs are easily reheated as well.  Sometimes we make our omelets or egg muffins ahead of time.  They are just as delicious when warmed up the next morning.  I recommend this to clients who are short on time in the morning.  Eating breakfast is so important, so make sure you allow this prep ahead of time.  It helps to avoid hitting that vending machine mid-morning.  I am a HUGE fan of food prep.  Planning and prep keeps me on track!

I personally use one egg yolk and two egg whites when I make my breakfast.  The yolk alone is packed with several nutrients and vitamins.  Egg yolks are one of the richest dietary sources of the B-complex vitamin choline.  This vitamin has shown a link to better neurological function and reduced inflammation.  If you are watching your cholesterol or want to stick to plain egg whites, you can definitely modify.  I know some people choose to stick to egg whites only, but don’t be afraid to throw in a yolk.  When I choose my eggs, I like to buy local from a nearby farm.  I prefer brown eggs that are free range and organic.  I want to make sure my eggs come from happy and healthy chickens.

I have been on a big “sprouts” kick lately.  I love adding them to my meals.  This morning I layered my omelet on top of my bed of sprouts.  I added some leftover seaweed salad from my dinner the previous evening.  My carbohydrate of choice today was a beautiful grapefruit.  I recommend trying different foods, methods of cooking and adding several pops of color to your plate.