Benefits of Wheatgrass

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Up until a few years ago, Wheatgrass was just a term that I heard from time to time.  I didn’t know much about it, and I had NO idea about all of the benefits.  WOW, I was missing out!

This gorgeous display of herbs and wheatgrass is now a staple at my home.  I love growing my own healthy goodies.  Not only is it convenient and fresh, but I receive the GREATEST benefit when I cut it fresh.  After learning more, I went on Amazon and purchased my own wheatgrass juicer.  Make sure you do your research!  There are many different kinds on the market.  It take a little time to process the grass, but you will receive the best benefits when freshly squeezed.


What Benefits?

Wheatgrass has a LONG list of benefits!  After hearing about these, I immediately went online and purchased my own Wheatgrass Kit.  I purchased my organic kit from

  1.  Wheatgrass is one of the best sources of living chlorophyll.  To receive the best benefit, chlorophyll must come fresh from the living plant.
  2.   This powerful plant is high in protein and contains 17 amino acids.
  3.   Chlorophyll (from the wheatgrass) is the first product of light and, therefore, contains more light energy than any other food element.
  4.   A smaller amount of wheatgrass juice in the human diet helps prevents tooth decay.
  5.   If you have a sore throat, gargling with the juice can help.
  6.   Improves Digestion
  7.   Do you juice your fruits and veggies?  Wheatgrass juice carries a stronger benefit than your regular juices.  Superior detoxification!
  8.   Wheatgrass contains a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals, including the thirteen essential ones.  Also combined with dozens of trace elements and enzymes.
  9.   Midwestern farmers restore their bulls and cow’s fertility with wheatgrass.
  10.   Wheatgrass has shown to prevent hair from turning gray.
  11.   Improvement of skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
  12.   Wheatgrass is high in magnesium.  It’s shown to improve bowel and constipation issues.
  13.   Wheatgrass has many benefits linked to our blood.
  14.   This powerful grass has been shown to improve strength, endurance and optimal health.
  15.   Wheatgrass helps to improve the liver.


There are SO many other benefits!  This powerful plant packs a HUGE HEALTHY PUNCH!!!

I recommend you try it for yourself.  Your body will thank you for it!