Healthy Holiday Hacks

It’s that time of the year again! The holidays are here and our schedule is filled with family events, holiday parties, food, cocktails, long to-do lists and stress.

Whether you’re tempted by grandma’s homemade pie at your family get-together, struggling to keep your cocktail intake in check at parties, or wondering what to eat if you’re traveling and on the go.

These healthy hacks will help you make it work in the real world when temptation is everywhere.

We are NOT talking about deprivation during the holidays. Instead, I want to give you approachable ideas to help you enjoy the sweetness in life without counting calories. That’s right… I don’t count calories. I love my healthy relationship with food and don’t stress calories because I know I’m eating real, healthy food. I discovered what works for me and it’s important to discover what works for your own beautiful self.

Don’t worry though, that beautiful, black party dress or the bathing suit you bought for your holiday vacation will still fit.

Below are my best tips for maintaining your weight, de- bloating after meals and handling stress this holiday season. Not sure what to take for a dazzling dish? Are you questioning which healthy (and delish) meals to make? No worries…I’ve got you covered.  I’m including one of my favorite recipes.  Want some more ideas?  Check out my Healthy Holiday Guide here:

The guide also includes a  4-day Post-Holiday Healthy Reset Plan with meals and tips to help you get back on track after a night (or few) of indulgence.

I totally understand how the holidays can be for many. I used to have a tough time getting through the holiday season. I constantly had a full plate of food in front of me just to handle the stress. I’d find myself eating too many mashed potatoes and too much pumpkin pie.

I was always tired and bloated after indulging at holiday dinners or cocktail parties, and let’s not even mention the weight gain. It really put a damper on what should have been a time to celebrate and have fun.

It wasn’t until years later that I discovered simple strategies to make it through the holiday season without the stress eating and inevitable tummy troubles and extra pounds.


But, it happened anyway, and then you woke up the next day with a raging headache and bags under your eyes. Maybe you’re like me and feel all of the above when you try just a teeny, weeny bite of that chocolate cake (hello, wheat belly… ugh).

I’ve learned (through a lot of trial and error) that the holidays don’t have to be a rollercoaster of bingeing on treats and regretting it the next day. I’ve learned how to maintain my health (and my waistline) while still having a blast during this time of celebration

I became a health coach because I love helping others to do the same thing. I want you to have real strategies and solutions for life that still allow you to have fun.

As a health coach, I educate and empower others how to slow down when they eat, be mindful of stress and understand what foods to put on their plate to nourish their body.

Below are some tips that will take the worry out of the parties and the stressful holidays so you can sit back and enjoy the season.

This is NOT about depriving yourself of all the treats and special meals. I’m giving you a plan of action that will allow you to enjoy that small piece of pumpkin pie or chocolate cake without beating yourself up or feeling bloated the following day.


Before we jump into my tips and strategies for staying healthy during the holidays, it’s important to take a look at your triggers and understand when you feel tempted to overdo it with food (and alcohol).

Take note of the situations that you may be in this holiday season and bring awareness to your temptations. I suggest exercising mindfulness about how you are feelings as well.

Here are some examples:

●  Attending a cocktail party or a wedding

●  The cake at the office party makes your mouth water

●  When you’re watching TV

●  Cookies and chocolate being delivered to the house for the holidays

●  Bringing treats to your kid’s school

●  Preparing food for a party you’re throwing

●  Family holiday parties

●  Cocktail parties with drinks and tons of appetizers

●  Girl’s Night Out holiday festivities

●  Feeling overwhelmed and stressed while shopping

●  Interactions with stressful family members


These tips are separated into 3 sections to give you strategies for before, during  and after your holiday parties and meals.



Make SURE TO PLAN before you attend a gathering or party.  Find out what will be served.  If possible, ask the host what kinds of foods and drinks will be served so you’ll know ahead of time how to prepare.

Bring a dish to your holiday dinner:

Don’t be afraid to call ahead and offer to bring a healthier plate to share with the other guests. This isn’t being rude. I actually prefer to ask ahead of time so the hostess knows I am thinking of them, grateful for the invite and that I want to help contribute. It’s also taking care of yourself so you can spend your energy on having a good time and not worrying about how you’ll feel after you eat.

Pack a healthy snack:

Throw a healthy protein bar or bag of nuts in your bag so you’ll have something to snack on besides the chips and dip.


Don’t show up hungry:

Always eat at least a small meal before you go to a dinner or party. If you show up starving you’ll be likely to wolf down everything in sight. Try one of the following protein-rich mini meals to tide you over and keep you from feasting on sugar and unhealthy treats.


  1. A healthy protein like turkey slices with avocado
  2. Greek or non-dairy yogurt with nuts (I love coconut yogurt)
  3. A smoothie
  4. A cup of soup
  5. A healthy protein bar
  6. Gluten-free crackers and veggies with hummus
  7. Any lean protein (chicken, turkey, bison, fish) and vegetables



If you’re feeling super hungry at an event, focus on drinking water before you go for that plate of food. Sometimes that hunger is actually a sign of thirst.  If you’re finding yourself craving sugar and salt, your body is likely depleted in minerals. Order a tall glass of water with lemon while you’re out to replenish.

Are you toasting the holiday with a glass of bubbly or red wine? Make sure to drink a glass of water before and after your cocktail.

Another awesome option is to make a healthy vitamin water, and drink it both before you head out AND the morning after.

Vitamin Water Recipe:

8 ounces coconut water

1 teaspoon raw apple cider vinegar 2 inch piece of ginger

juice from one lemon



Stir or shake the ingredients to combine, and sip. The raw apple cider vinegar will enhance your digestive enzymes and balance PH, while the coconut water will mineralize your body.  As you are drinking your vitamin water, take 5 deep breaths. Deep breathing calms your nervous system and reduces stress levels naturally.


The key to staying healthy and feeling good (both physically and mentally) during the holidays is to avoid eating everything in sight.

We’re all human. There’s no way we’re going to make it through an entire month of parties and holiday treats saying NO every single time. Nor do we want to.  That kind of extreme mentality is what leaves us feeling emotionally deprived and ready to go home after the party and overeat.  The last thing we want is to get so frustrated with deprivation that we show up to a party and say screw it, I’m eating everything!

Practice the 80/20 rule:

Focus on eating healthy, nourishing foods 80% of the time. This gives you some leeway to indulge the other 20% of the time without feeling guilty.

For me, I enjoy foods but watch things that I know will make me feel worse. Things like gluten and dairy, fried foods and sugar. Don’t get me wrong, I love things like cheese and wine. I enjoy good hearty meals. If possible, I opt for gluten free crackers, goat or sheep cheese (easier on the digestive system), veggies and hummus and dark chocolate bark.  One of my favorite recipes:

It’s important that you discover what foods work for you and which ones don’t. If you do indulge, just be mindful that you may have some changes in mood and how you feel afterwards and possibly days to follow. It’s a natural response and will pass as long as you keep it clean the majority of the time.



When you do decide to have the slice of pie or helping of mom’s stuffing, focus on savoring the food instead of inhaling it.  Moderation and paying attention to portion sizes go a long way to keeping us healthy and feeling good.

If this relationship with food is something that you struggle with (I know I have), I recommend the work of Geneen Roth. She’s shown others that eating isn’t about pulling a chair up to the fridge.

Check in with yourself before you eat:

Take a few moments to turn inward before you start eating. Ask yourself: Have I filled myself up with self-care today? Have I slowed down and addressed my emotions?  If you’re feeling stressed, anxious or overwhelmed, take a few moments to do some deep breathing. Excuse yourself to the restroom if you need to step away.

Taking the time to touch base with your body and slowing down will help prevent overeating.

Journaling can be helpful as well. Jotting down how you’re feeling, what’s going on in your world and what may be making you feel this way.

Ask about healthy options:

Don’t be afraid to talk with the party host, the waiter or your co-workers about healthy foods for your holiday events.

We might feel nervous about speaking up – what will people think? But we’re not being a pain. We’re being mindful of taking care of ourselves and setting the stage for success.

With the rise of food sensitivities and allergies (that’s a whole other topic I could go on about), most restaurants are accommodating and will make modifications.

Slow down & enjoy your food:

If you actually want to have a taste of something, then do it! Slow down and enjoy the decadent flavor of that chocolate cake or the creamy deliciousness of those mashed potatoes. Taste the food you’re eating and don’t feel guilty.

Too often, we are either so hungry, rushed or stressed and we shovel food into our mouths. Not only is this not good for your digestive system, but it also doesn’t allow the ability to savor the deliciousness of the meal. Being a foodie, I love the different tastes and combination of flavors. Food is meant to be enjoyed and provides nourishment. Not meant to be punishment or a rushed event. Creating a healthy relationship with food and enjoying it is one step towards living a healthier, more nourished life.

Savor the moment:

Remember that a truly healthy, happy holiday is about being present in the moment.

As you’re celebrating, practice mindfulness:
I deserve to really enjoy my life.
I deserve to step away from a stressful situation to focus on myself for 5 minutes. I deserve to enjoy celebrating in the company of my friends and family.

It’s not only about the plate of food. Take a taste of life too. The food is a reflection of your life and what is happening inside and around you. Savor your life.



Sometimes, regardless of our best intentions, we can still feel bloated, tired, and less-than-amazing once the party’s over.

It’s important to have some healthy tricks in the toolbox to nip those gross symptoms in the bud and get us back on track to feeling great. We want to focus on flushing toxins out of our bodies to reduce the acidic waste that leads to bloating and fatigue.

Here are my 3 favorite ways to de-bloat and reset the day after.


Take 2 cups of room temperature water, and add the juice from 1/2 a lemon, a pinch of cayenne (optional), and 1 teaspoon of raw honey or a couple drops of stevia (use stevia if you are on a yeast cleansing nutrition plan).



Add 1 tablespoon of chlorophyll to 12 ounces of water with the juice of one lemon and drink.

Note: you can buy chlorophyll at any natural food store, Whole Foods, or on Amazon.


Exercise is one of the best ways to cleanse your body and remove toxins. Try taking a brisk walk, hitting the gym, or going to your favorite zumba class. Sweating helps the body to eliminate toxins through the skin. Be sure to shower and scrub when you’re done.






Caprese Holiday Wreath


1 ½ cups balsamic vinegar

3 Tablespoons local, raw honey

12 ounces fresh cherry tomatoes

10 ounces small mozzarella bites (or a cheese of your choice)

Olive oil (about 2-3 tablespoons total)

4 teaspoons dried Italian herb blend

Fresh basil, shredded (for garnish)

Sea salt and ground pepper, to taste


Glaze:  I often pick up infused balsamic and oils from a local store.  This is an option for those who prefer to do so as well or don’t want to make their own.

If you choose to make your own glaze, combine the balsamic vinegar and honey in a small sauce pan.  Cook (while continuously stirring) on low heat for approximately 5 minutes.  Bring to a boil and reduce again.  Simmer for 8 minutes.  The syrup will thicken.

Salad: On a round serving dish, place a bowl in the center.  In a circle pattern, arrange the tomatoes and cheese as you so desire.  Some people choose to use small wooden skewers or lay them loosely.  Drizzle with oil, balsamic glaze, herbs, salt and pepper.  Place the remaining glaze in the center of the wreath.  Garnish with shredded or whole basil leaves.


Wishing you and yours a fabulous, healthy and happy holiday season!




Top 5 Tips for a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season

The holiday season is often filled with celebration, friends and family, togetherness and holiday cheer.  It’s also filled with long “to-do” lists, stress, toxicity and unhealthy food.  Instead of adding additional physical and emotional stress to your plate, try some of these tips for a happier and healthier holiday season.

  1.  Be mindful and intentional with your food choices.

There is nothing wrong with enjoying good food during the holiday season.  You will have plenty of opportunities between the parties, work events and gatherings with friends and family.  With that being said, this should not be an opportunity to sabotage your goals and health between now and the New Year.  If you find yourself grabbing junk food or guzzling down extra alcohol, ask yourself how you’re feeling.  Are you stressed?  Depressed? Anxious?  Emotions play a huge role in our food (and alcohol) choices.  Being in tune with your mindset, feelings and intentions will play a large part in your choices.

If you know you have an upcoming event, make sure you eat something healthy and satisfying before you head out.  While at your event or party, enjoy a little bit of something you’re craving or wanting to try and fill the rest of your plate with lean protein and veggies.  You don’t have to feel deprived this holiday season, but don’t overdo it either.

2.  Stay Active.

Exercise is very important during the holiday season.  Have you heard “endorphin’s make you happy?”  It’s true!  Not only is it important to get that booty moving when it’s cold outside (and year round), but it helps with your mood too!  This is a great time to join a gym, start a new fitness class or find some new gal pals for accountability.  Are you more of the “outdoorsy” type?  Grab your skis or ice skates and bundle up for a fun event.  There are many options (indoors and outdoors) this holiday season.  Find what makes you happy and get others involved.  Whatever you choose, keep it moving!

3.  Find Time for Rest.

Yes, exercise is important but so is rest!  Especially during the busy holiday season.  Your body needs it!!!  Not only will you feel more refreshed, but it will help with your stress levels and keep you from making poor choices.  If you’re finding it difficult to manage a rest and sleep schedule, you may need to make some changes in your routine.  Sleep should be a priority; especially this time of the year.  Try going to bed and waking up around the same time.  Limit your television and technology viewing a few hours before bed.  Grabbing a good book and cup of tea helps in the evening too.  Again, find what works for you and make it a priority.  Rest is not something that should be negotiable any time of year.

4.  Bump Up the Self Care.

If you’re one of my clients or follow me on social media, you know how much I stress Self Care.  This is something I had to learn the hard way but it’s something I make a priority in my own lifestyle.  Why?  Because it’s SO important!  Especially this time of the year!

Women are the first ones to put themselves last!  If you resonate with this statement, then you may need to ask yourself how much you’re adding self care into your lifestyle.  A hot epsom salt bath, massage, yoga class or new outfit can make a huge difference.  You’re not being selfish!  You’re taking care of you and in turn, will benefit so many around you.  When the holiday season is stressful and you’re feeling run down, bump up the self care.  It’s good for the body and mind!

5.  Beware of Toxic People.

The holidays can bring upon stress when it comes to gatherings with friends and family.  We often hear about “tolerating” someone for an event or evening.  You may feel uncomfortable being around a group of friends or family members.  Whatever the case, choose wisely.  Ask yourself if the stress, anxiety and frustration is worth it.  I am not saying to isolate yourself from your family and friends, but choose what makes you happy and feel healthy.  Maintaining distance and setting limitations may better serve you.  You should surround yourself with those who light you up and make you happy.

I hope you found some value in these tips.  Even though they are all important, incorporating a few of them can make a huge difference in your holiday season.  This time of the year passes so quickly, so I encourage you to make it a magical, happy time.
If you have any questions or concerns during this holiday season or into the New Year, I welcome you to message me.  Your health and happiness should be a huge priority!  You don’t have to wait until the New Year to get started!



Tips for a Happy and Healthy 4th of July


Happy fourth of july, Friends!

I hope you’re having a wonderful holiday weekend!  I wanted to get this out to you a day early because I am including a yummy recipe that you may want to make for tomorrow.  If not, definitely try it at some point. It’s SO good!

As we celebrate this weekend, we will be surrounded by friends, family and good food.  I love cookouts and grill food too, but I am mindful of my options and what to eat.  So many of my clients express their concerns about cookouts, celebrations and beach trips. I am going to share some of the same tips that I tell them.  You can still enjoy delicious food and fun without going overboard.  Below are some recommendations for a healthy and happy holiday.

1.  Take a healthy dish

This is a tip that I always recommend!  There are usually many options at cookouts for salads, veggies and lean protein sources.  You may be temped to indulge in chips, cookies and heavy sides.  I recommend taking a dish that is healthy and delicious.  You will be able to enjoy your own dish and share it with friends and family.  I usually take a salad or appetizer.  There are so many healthy salad options.  Especially this time of year with all of the local produce.  Add in some quinoa and you have a hearty, healthy salad with protein.

2.  Carry a water bottle

Hydration is so important!  Especially when you are out in the heat.  Not only will it keep you hydrated, but it helps you to feel more satisfied and full.  Have you ever heard of drinking a glass of water before eating something to see if you’re really hungry?  Water has so many benefits!  If you’re not a fan of plain water, I recommend infusing it with citrus, berries and mint leaves.  It’s so refreshing and delicious!

3.  don’t save calories

Have you ever told yourself that you will not eat all day (or eat minimal) so you can meet your caloric intake later with a large meal?  This is a bad idea!  Not only are you slowing your metabolism by not eating all day, but you will most likely feel famished and consume a ton of food.  I recommend eating your meal before you go to your event and snacking while there, or eating healthy snacks/meals every 2-3 hours throughout the day before your event.  You will feel satisfied and happy.   I am not saying that you cannot enjoy your yummy cookout food.  I am just recommending that you eat throughout the day and enjoy a much smaller portion of your favorite foods or  healthier options.  PS..I don’t count calories!  I just eat real food!

4.  switch it up

Are you the one hosting?  Awesome!  Maybe try some bison burgers or lean, grass fed beef.   Grilled chicken is always a hit and a much healthier option than a processed hot dog.   Instead of the white buns, looks for a healthier version. I prefer none, but it’s your call.  This is your party, girlfriend!  Have fun with it!  When I host a cookout, I still serve up a lot of the traditional foods.  I just try to make them with a healthier twist or munch on my healthy sides.  I love to fill my plate with salads, roasted veggies, a bison burger or chicken and maybe some fresh fruit.

5.  practice portion control

I am just as human as anyone, and I LOVE food!  My grandmother reminds me of Paula Deen, and I have a southern background.   SO, I am a HUGE sucker for pulled pork and ribs.  It’s my weakness.  I say this because I am sharing that I occasionally enjoy these yummy (but not so good for you) foods.  It’s rare for me because I know how I will feel the next day (and possibly the day after).  That being said, I practice portion control.  If you find a dish or side that you would love to try, I recommend a smaller portion.  Save the rest of your plate for fresh, healthy options.  You know you more than anyone, so if you think it will lead to indulgences and too much eating, you may want to rethink that idea.

looking for a healthy appetizer to take?  check out one of my favorite, easy to make appetizers below.  i just got home from the farmer’s market, and I loaded up on some delicious, fresh tomatoes!


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farm fresh tomato, basil and feta salad



10 Fresh Roma Tomatoes (chopped)

1 container of feta (I love the Mediterranean feta from Wegmans)

Small handfull of fresh basil

3 Tablespoons of dry Italian Seasoning (or half of a seasoning pack if desired)

Organic extra virgin olive oil


Wash and dice all of your tomatoes.  Mix them in a bowl with the feta cheese.  Drizzle a small amount of olive oil over your ingredients.  Combine and mix in the seasoning.  Lay your ingredients out on your serving tray.  Sprinkle a small amount of seasoning on top.  This may be more than the three tablespoons.

*I recommend you taste as you go and adjust accordingly.  This is a very simple dish, but some prefer more of less of the seasoning, oil and feta.

*The same goes for your fresh basil.  I love basil, so I chop up a small amount and sprinkle the dish with this fresh herb.  It’s just as delicious without, so don’t worry if you don’t have it or don’t love it.  I do love to garnish the ends of my dish and create a farm fresh display (as shown above).

Chill to combine flavors before serving.  I recommend a chill time of one to two hours, but it’s not necessary.

Serve alone or with organic pita chips.  ENJOY!


If you make this yummy dish, i would love to hear your thoughts or alterations.  please feel free to share below.

Wishing you a wonderful holiday weekend!

